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Everything posted by Rainman215

  1. Maybe when you added the batteries im guessing that you had no batteries connected to the car for a short period of time... Maybe your HU reset and so did the settings?
  2. Saw this earlier on YouTube and was like oh shit. I can shake some mirrors but not a panel lmao.
  3. Still no hoodies? Id rather have on of those than a tshirt. Also sup with that bucket had ive seen posted. I want one for next spring summer.
  4. I would honestly get tired of having to switch my amps on and off everytime iget in and out of the car.
  5. My wall was my first "big build". First time I built it outside of the car and it barely fit inside the car and when it did get inside. It was sitting crooked as he'll. Trashed that one. Was depressed for a while and then I built another. This time inside the car soni knew it would fit. I learned from my mistakes on the first box and used the kkowlwedge gained to build the 2nd. This new wall gets loud but I realisedni again made some mistakes. Now I'm thinking of doing another wall Lol. I wnt to do something like Frankie rios Lexus lmao. You can check my car and wall out in my build log in my sig. I'm no expert installer but I can say im learning and will only be getting louder as I keep trying.
  6. So then its like sheetmetal thats ripped but hasnt been fixed yet. Instead its being used as something to draw attention or be "unique" lol
  7. Invitation = Not received. Are those coaxials going in the center console?
  8. Smh. Saw this video earlier. Hate it when people hit people that they know aren't gonna fight back. I laugh at some pretty fucked up shit. But not at stuff like this.
  9. Psi or just call a company and buy some dustcaps... Dare I say it. You can get dustcaps from ........ Funkypshp! (my mom just slapped me)
  10. I guess people think its kinda cool because you apply a bunch of deadener in your car and those panels still flex. It doesnt really seem cool to me. Im more worried about how it sounds then what it looks like. But i think people show flex on videos because thats an easier way to show how loud something is instead of hearing buzzing on your speakers.
  11. lmao i would NOOOOOOOOOOT drop 30 dollars for springs ... adjustable ones at that ... have you riding down the street 3 wheelin.
  12. Thats cool of you lol. Shes all geeked about it. Ive gotta get my girl hooked up soon. Shes got an amp she just needs a sub now SA-8 :-)
  13. All you need is one other person lol. You don't need to roll squad deep. Congrats chode. See you at the next show.
  14. I was gonna fight it arguing that the "law" was being used out of context etc etc. But I forgot about the ticket and when I found out I had a warrant I just paid that shit lol. She also said shed give me 30 days to tale it off and they'd drop the ticket. FUCK THAT SHIT lol.
  15. Just dropped like 230 on a ticket that was 160... Waited too long and they added charges. They even put a warrant out for me (sas the lady who I paid he money to) all that for some tint. Leave us alone lol. Winter time ia coming up so I know the johny is gonna be on my ass when I go to r leave from school.
  16. I ordered mine from wheels on fire. Came in ready to be installed on the car
  17. Walling off my car and obviously doing something wrong because I'm not moving any fuckin air. Rebuilding my wall in November! Fuck that shit!
  18. lmao when i was reading this thread yesterday I was like his sub is gonna end up looking like a DD lol.
  19. South street is so ass now. Bunch of stupid kids down there http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX2Smuf7kFU
  20. I can offer you bass lol. I dont really go downtown too much so idk whats good. Grab a cheesesteak of course lol.
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