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Everything posted by ALPINE408

  1. you have 30 cubes of space in an s10???? no fucking way
  2. yup not many quality build houses out there so a lot of amps are very simular there are tons of shitty build houses tho! OP you running over here to tell rusty to get on his good side or something? or do you want him to run over to ca.com and start a war? none of that is gonna happen
  3. People talking shit on the internet???????? NO FUCKING WAY!!!!!! and there not aq's or audiopipes so the people are talking out there ass on the internet again???? NO FUCKING WAY!!!!
  4. so..... did you get the dimensions of the VW bus or what?WHERE DID YOU GET THAT MEASURING TAPE!!! no dims on bus yet and for the magical tape harry potter gave it to me
  5. Hold on let me find my magical messuring tape that can messure your truck and workable space from another state ill let you know Why we are at it can I get dims on how to wall a VW bus
  6. good luck with that....... raise your budget and you can try aa/fi
  7. Dude in So Cal has a c pillar wall in a jeep like that with 2 FI BTL's does a 151.7 in the 30 hz range sounds awsome i have a pic of it in my photobucket but photobucket is ghey and im over my bandwith so i can't show you the pic
  8. am i dumbass? i didnt vote but ran amps and batts for 5 years with no fuses i was all spl tho for daily systems i will fuse but in thos 5 years not one fuse
  9. i saw one at a comp but was fused way down to get into a small class so i did not see its full potential but its a 5k amp for 800 i would take a chance with it if it were me
  10. ill add bought tool makers dual 1/0 imputs fast ship great price to bad ima re sell them
  11. There are almost all db dragers do not fuse because it usally add a few tenths of a db but for dail run fuses its for protection of you and yor equipment
  12. Sierra already gots this handled now BUILD IT!!!!
  13. T lines sound good that's it I have yet to see one put up any spl numbers to take notice Tpowers and you read that t lines are not good for spl from me in the pm's about asking this same question I would not recomend a 4th order at your skill level
  14. i only read the topic title WALL IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. its been said why your box is peaky and you could ether change the port or add power to get rid of it the choice is yours!
  16. well i said 2 6 just on cone area but its only 4 cubes i would do the 1 6 inch port then try 2 or vice versus its the cone area of 2 15's and roughly a 10 if your gonna build an 8 inch areo i would roll with that IMO
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