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Everything posted by scratchy

  1. maybe donate a woofer to a worthy cause? wink wink, nudge nudge. [shadow=red,left][glow=red,2,300]PPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/glow][/shadow]
  2. hahaha reminds me of one time me and my buddies went on a piss up. Next morning at his house we found our one friends car parked on the lawn, car idling, wipers on, hazards on and the passenger door open
  3. I found that it gets quite repetitve. I mean, when your on level 8 and its still the same damn scenery. I wanna puke snow. the smoke effects are awesome though
  4. LMFAO....WTF man...You could smell resin from pretty far away..and it doesn't exactly look like beer, kinda thick... And yes that's very very bad for you :rip_1: I broke my nose when I was smaller, never went to the doctor and havnt been able to smell much since the age of 15
  5. ive taken a sip of the wrong cup, trust me, u spit it out really quickly. Your just paranoid aas hell, every little thing feels like your dying :^
  6. you know they were just jealous then. Cant even drive cars now adays >
  7. you do know the only reason your car is getting bashed up by everyone, is cause they think your a rich boy whose momma bought them a bimmer. Their all just jealooooossss
  8. to be honest, my sony isnt that bad. It sounds ok and hasnt givin me any serious problems thus far
  9. haha, to late now. I didnt get it and the guy sold it to someone else
  10. I count 4 words :clown2: on a serious note, what if a reply only needs a yes or no answer?
  11. bwahaha. I am an it techie so I see quite alot of funny windows messages. one of my favs were back in the day on win 98. we just finished installing it and when it booted up we got an error message: error loading "do nothing" service. click ok to continue lazy buggers
  12. I wouldnt know, xbl isnt available in SA. We have to register through uk and there is talk of restricting downloads to users whose details dont add up :ranting2:
  13. dont you already have a design built for a box that you stole :meh:
  14. I had a maxtor take a crap on itself within 3 months, they didnt want to replace it under warrenty because the black part of the casing where you push it into the bay was scratched. I was like WTF? How the fuck must I get it in the fuckin computer, it scratches like that when you put it into its bay. I made a BIG scene, threatned to burn maxtor SA down if they dont replace my hd and so on. They refused to replace my hd and called the cops on me. btw...thats how I got my nickname
  15. if you do get some glass particles in your skin(esspecially inbetween your fingers wheres its the worst :pinch:) stick some duct tape over the "infected" area and pull it off quickly, works wonders
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