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Everything posted by LSN2meBoom916

  1. beat me to it. I must be gettin slooooooooow...or maybe I'm just to busy BUILDING SHIT to read all the dead end, "build logs" with NOTHING done. FAIL. -1
  2. Thnx..? & It's ok bro...I hate me sometimes too. (most times )
  3. OMFG. This shit just makes me mad. yup. Tryin to get a head start on his "state sponsored edumakashun" To logan & anyone who says GTA is not a PART of why this kid is like this...I say that's retarded. Kinda like capitalism has nothing to do with our economy. It's there and it gets abused. Defend video games all you want but I don't think we have any 7 yr olds on here to join the discussion...yes it's the grammas fault for letting him play what ever type of game he wants, but I don't think if he was playing Final fantasy or mario Kart (a driver) he would be as likely to try this crap. THE BLAME/FAULT/GUILT is with the "gaurdians" of this lil shitbag...NOT the game or its maker...But I was simply hating on GTA cuz I think it's a stupid game ... AND...DUE to the lack of parenting and control over WHO PLAYS games like that...Leads me to wish they were not around.... Also...the fact that he prolly gets to eat w/e he wants (chicken wings all the time) prolly has a bit to do with why he's a fat lil punk, his parents have been abusive from the sounds of it...be it towards the lil bastard, each other, or the grandmother it's ALL BAD. He NEEDS to be put in a home with parents who will whip his ass into shape and teach him right from wrong...if it's not too late. When Gramma is tryin to raise the kid in the absence of the punk ass parents...and her method of "babysitting" or keeping him busy is to plop his chunky butt in front of the video console....who do you think this lil douche is gonna emulate? True-Video games Like GTA are intended for 17yo+ who "know better" than to act it out, but I've played these GTA (up till 3 thus far) just to see what it's all about and kind of games are stupid and pointless...so I only really see them "dumbing down" the people I see playing them. (this may be only my take on it...maybe it works for you and ur folks) Keep in mind this is MY OPINION...I'm not a big gamer myself...I'd rather be building something cool/usefull...but damn when I see THIS kind of thing I can't help but think this is where he "learned that smashing around in a stolen car might be fun"...."I like to do hoodrat stuff" ....jezus. Let the torrent of angry gamers now begin to point the finger away from their "precious" and at everything else wrong with the world like gangsta rap, violence in movies, Marylin Manson/eminem, etc. I just saw this clip and was like wtf? I wonder where he "learned" that. I know GTA is not "de devil"...But I do think it's a stupid game And yes I am a "hipocrate" for loving Rap. flame away.
  4. Thanx I hadn't seen that yet. Should be teh sex w/ 32 of them lil buggers in there...esp on some......techno Or reggaeton I would personally like to have a go with a BUNCH of AA assasin 8's or AudioQue SD2 8's. Good luck on the build Chris I wish you all the best with it.
  5. Nice avatar. ooooohh-weeeeeeee-oooooohh! E8's? <--Not sure I follow?? Linky to said woofer?
  6. Looks promising. I almost got my "where's da pics" NAZI-ATTACK ready for ya but you stepped up w/ some pix of what's in there so kudos/thnx for that. Any chance you have any pics of building your door pods? Since I'mma 4/12er myself Im curious how it does on the meter as well. Good luck. I dunno if I would advise going with the downfiring box... (not that your asking either, I'm just tossin 2cents here)...I'd say go with what is proven and run subs up port up or back (unless you plan on doing both and comparing results...yay 2 builds!) *Edit- For some retarded reason I was thinkin it was an suv.....I see I was wrong...A downfire in a ext cab can get loud too.
  7. Uuummmmm..........only if the D stands for DANCING. @Least he's smart enough to KNOW he's focked up and not RIDING that ish. My thoughts Exactly. Also my thoughts....my InTegra would be totalled as well. Some day we will CATCH UP to those countries...I hope.
  8. Technically....you could get 3 bottles of the GOOOD stuff for over $300 each....so depending on what time I start I just might be able to do it....but I garauntee I aint goin to work the next day...or 2.
  9. X2Pimpin sir. bwwaaahahhahahahahhahaahaand for the record...I AM thoroughly jealous of your wire setup. Hells yea.Man this is lookin better and better every update. I too love how you gootta customize every single piece that has electricity flowin through it....dat sh*t is pimp..and the way it SHOULD be. I really gotta head over and check it out in person/get the demo... and now that Finals are done I have no excuse really. Keep it up bro this thing is waaaay out of hand already.
  10. I think you should buy me $1000 worth of $50/bottle or better tequila. You will have a friend for life maybe look into a Missing link voltage dealio? Or maybe a Fosgate 360? or 2? Just for gawds sake do something audio and post it. we are whores.
  11. Serves em right. 1: Don't break the law 2: Don't run from the cops endangering the lives of others,and crash into some innocent driver. 3: Wear ur seatbelt dipshit. end of story.
  12. Steve ran 4-15's in the Civic?<---wants pics n build info I remember when I 1st met Steve dow at Infineon/Sears Point he had 2 Power HX2 18's in that giant trunk box, and the older fosgate amps that were still "new" back in early 00's. Meybe ur thinkin of that one?
  13. yea shit DOES tend to suicide off the top shelf when you run a 150+db car in the garage with the windows down hahahaa And what's up w/ the techno/trance/Philly Pete stuff? Betta get u a deck that don't skip sucka!
  14. That roof must have been a B*tch to sand. Or even apply filler to...maybe have to tape over to hold it up there?
  15. I have direct dep. too...and still nothin....I keep tellin myself it's cuz my SSN ends in high numbers. We'll f*ckin see. US Govt FTMFL...again.
  16. Looks pretty clean man, nice work. You gotta start somewhere and thats not bad at all. I dunno if the woodgrain is really "appropriate" in there since nothing else is wood but it's def unique, if you dig it then thts all that matters, and I have seen MUCH worse. Not a lot of room to work with in those trucks so nice job on squeezing some decent gear in there.
  17. I was actually gonna suggest a kicker zx650.4 for under $250 BNIB off ebay w/ 3 yrs warrenty ($236.45) ..I just picked one up fpr my buddy and I dont thinku can do better for the $$$. The zx350.4 is fine too just less power. Since you mentioned 6x9s I'd say the 650.4 is ur best bet.
  18. $3500 for 2-12w3s? Oooouuuch! I would hope soo...@ least... I dunno if you can so that so matter-of-factley... 2 12's vs 2 12's.....cone area advantage? do you know the effective SD of each woofer? Plus, It has a BIT to do with the install. 2 well installed CVR 12's (or just about any WELL installed vs poorly installed for that matter) will PWN some poorly installed stuff. Assuming the T2's and CVRs are Both installed properly, the T2's should win, but on product alone there's no real way to tell...the install matters too much...what if the 2-T2 12's are in a VAN or excursion and the CVR 12's are in some tiny Hatch? Look at the DISPLACEMENT of each woofer to choose subs...SD (cone area) X(times) XMAX (excursion) will give you the amount of air you will actually be moving, and then just make sure it's installed by someone who knows what's up.
  19. The ORIGINAL is even better.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFBZb94Y6G8 werd...but I bet he already has one...right next to the bowling alley, accross from the Scrooge McDuck coin pool. Indeeed. How big is YOUR in-house recording studio? hahahahhahaha So many Indians trying to wear chief hats (pun fully intended) You daaamn right.keep pimpin playa. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAWERD! Seee...toldya.<------jealous on soo many levels. bwaaaaaahahhahahahahahahaIt's funny beacause it's true!
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