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Status Updates posted by Baydestrian

  1. I made a thread but damn Kendrick, these gimmick rappers wasn't ready for that verse!

  2. HAHA Manny walked right into that punch, straight to the kisser!

    1. OrionStang


      He closed his eyes!!

      'Bout fucking time. Fuck Manny.

  3. So I guess YouTube found a way around AdBlock Plus....occasionally getting full ads before videos and banner ads during videos. Hopefully ABP fixes this, I know its revenue for YT'ers but its annoying as shit

    1. DubNDodge


      Completely forgot there were ads on youtube videos lol

  4. First Ghosts patch is out, can finally mute ppl!

  5. So apparently this Derp Trolling group is responsible for the DDoS attacks lately and why EA servers are down. Awesome

    1. Neckbeard


      Riot is all sorts of fucked at the moment also

  6. Haven't been on here for 2 months...waddup

    1. Krakin


      Welcome back man!

  7. RIP Lord Infamous of Thee 6 Mafia

    1. Casket


      Lord Infamous is dead?!?!??! SUM BISH !! Hate to hear that... RIP.

  8. Maybe, try it again...ill send you a program that allows u to optimize ur computer speed and internet speed and u can use it to clean up disk space among other things

  9. Where in the 650 you from? I'm in South City

  10. damn bro, too bad you never finished the caddy build! I got a 99 STS (I paid $500 for the new water cooled alt to be put in FML) and I'm not sure how to do the big 3 since the battery is under the rear seat :(

  11. When I got my Audi back in January I hadn't listened to the beat in the Caddy for like 2 weeks and that shit was loud as hell. I can only image what its gonna sound like when I finallly get my system in this wagon instead of the trunk and its been months

  12. LOL I can never watch just one episode of Louie on Netflix. Louis C.K. is hilarious

  13. Ending to this amazing SF game was on some biblical looking shit!!

  14. Saints say: Who Dat?...Niners reply: WE DAT!!! YEEEEE

  15. Tension Headaches suck

  16. This Galaxy S3 is way too dope! Huge upgrade from the HTC Inspire

  17. Swerving at 70mph b/c some dumb lady slams on the brakes for no reason is scary as hell. Thank God for Audi's traction control

  18. Wish I knew my Kontrol Freeks were too big for XBOX One's new thumbsticks! Fawk!

  19. Hi :wave: never on here anymore...been working my courier job since Feb 3rd, got an interview with a delivery driver/warehouse for tools on Friday. Hopefully I get the position. This courier company is BS and run terribly

  20. JT - The 20/20 Experience (2 of 2)....just as solid as the first one

  21. PSN hacked again? Good thing I have XBOX lolol

  22. Slept for 9hrs yesterday, woke up at 2pm. Got off work at 1230am this morning and had to do an 8hr turn around to pull a 12hr shift. My brain decided it didn't want to sleep at all though. So here I am at work, with no sleep.

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