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Everything posted by rusty959

  1. hmm.... might try that sometime... looks like a fun way to ward off bordom... good find.
  2. Good job. I am trying to think of something more to say... yet everything seems like it is making fun of you for not joining several years ago.... glad you finally made the switch though
  3. im with chode on 14... I see no point on it. oh well.
  4. Sorry no products were found for your 1967 Ford Mustang Send me email when available for my vehicle :excl:
  5. I saw that earlier today actually... hasn't gotton old yet.
  6. nyterydrtuckn26s, Ever had that truck to somerset? I used to live in somerset and im pretty sure Ive seen it a time or two. If not there is another similar truck running around that has a navi front clip, but Im thinking it was green... idk. Im pretty sure it had the same style of rims though so im not sure. But as far as ky people, i sorta am, like I said I used to live in somerset, but now im up in bloomington indiana. I still come back pretty often though. Does anyone ever go to the somernight cruises/car show thing? Somerset is decently central...
  7. Ive actually liked redcloud for a pretty good while...
  8. Yea, think of how much time that takes to not only set up, but also re-set up, test etc. And being all over the house? lol. That being said, you can't help but wonder that those times the camera instantly changes angles that some mechanism failed and they had to stop and restart. I don't blame them though. Props for people who have that kind of time.
  9. "Caution Rusty959 Didnt Like It So It May Be Just Plain Crap!, " lol, I just noticed the title... who said I didn't like it?
  10. So it turns out when I took of the headsink thing that two of them are actually blown. I guess this doesn't really make a difference though since I was going to replace all 4 anyways. Apparently by the model number at the top, This is what im going to need. So do I only need to replace that one block or do the others too? I went ahead and pulled off the cover and visually checked the others, and they all seem fine. So by what im seeing, the only thing this needs are those fets. I hope thats all.
  11. no, lol, it kinda just left me speechless. I watched it 3 times so far I think... very entertaining I guess
  12. I just sat and watched... and twirled the hanger I had in my hand... wow... interesting... nice find?
  13. Alright, here are some pics. (clickable thumbnails) I noticed after I got them on the comp my hand must have been a little un-steady, but some are better than others and there are multiple angles. Btw Im not sure if I ever mentioned this before, but I did notice that in the section that had the fet blow, there is a slight separation in the 7 into a 4 and a 3. Here is what it looks like now that I just got done painting the epic failure my friend turned the outside of it into... Here you can see the blown fet Here in a little bit I will take that part of the heatsink off and see if I can get some numbers to look up.
  14. Alright, ill see what im looking at a bit later. No access to an oscilloscope right now... wish I did. Ive got plenty of those large 10w 10ohm resistors that I used for doing the power supplies, so I guess they should do the trick. Ill run out in a couple minutes and get some shots of it. Thanks
  15. I had one of my two crt's I had in a dual monitor setup fail on me while playing cod4 one day... I had to hurry and switch cables to finish the match.
  16. Yea, as boon said I figured I would be replacing the block, but when you say "you'll need to order half a dozen or so to find the couple that match." will I need to be doing something to try to match the fets I buy together to put in the same block?
  17. I only paid $240 for it a year and a half ago. Boon, from the way it sounds, its either just fets or im pretty much screwed? I don't remember seeing a separate driver board like you were talking about, and don't see it when I just looked it up on ROE's amp guts. I did previously give the amp another really close look to find anything else that looked fried, and didn't see anything. Im thinking im going to later today take the one heatsink off and try to get some model numbers on the fets, and probably just try to replace them and see what happens. I have absolutely no reason to take it to a pro if that is all thats wrong with it, ive modified close to 100 computer power supplies in my lifetime, and that requires more soldering skills than this looks like it will take. (among other things changing out a couple components on xmods that I would classify as difficult) Ill get out there later today and maybe take another pic or two and post it just for the fun of it. Thanks all for the help.
  18. Thanks for the help. Yes, it is a class D amp. So all of the fets placed together would be in its block? if so there are 4 blocks of 7, which 7 is a little different from 2 or 4 which is why I ask... Is there any way I could tell if the FET driver board is gone too? I honestly have no clue exactly what the amp did, all I know is I had just installed it, and that it was all hooked up fine and dandy, of course no water in the area, but somehow the hatch holds water, and when I closed it, it then spilled a bunch of water on the amp without me knowing it. So I go to the front to re-connect the fuse, and notice it sparked way more than it should have, so I unplugged it decently quickly, and when I got to the back again the amp was smoking a good bit. Thing is, its not really worth a whole lot, I don't want to be spending a large amount to fix an amp that isn't even worth that much.
  19. So apparently my trunk lid leaks... and got a little bit of water on my kicker kx1200.1 The end of the story is probably pretty obvious by now, the amp got a little water in it, I didn't know it was there, and my amp starts smoking. I actually just got done painting it from where a friend screwed it up (new topic on that later) so it wasn't hard to take the cover back off and check for damage. Apparently all that fried was one fet. Anybody know where I could get a new one? Is it worth even trying to contact kicker? I have plenty of experience soldering on electronics boards to feel perfectly comfortable doing it, all I need is the fet. I guess I could pull it out and check for model numbers etc?
  20. I though you would have had enough car audio experience by now to know not to believe it instead of just a hard time? lol
  21. Probably next trip will be last weekend of this month or first of next when my sister gets married... where exactly are you located again?
  22. Im thinking im going to need to make a side trip on my way to somerset sometime to take a look?
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