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Everything posted by rusty959

  1. Usually I get on smd as soon as I get home, and my gf is with me... anyways she likes to cover that gif up, so I just have to make hers jiggle a bit.. Anyways, nice vid, makes me want to hurry and get something better than my POS 12" set up.
  2. Im guessing this isn't against forum rules since it is concerning pc? Anyways, try out http://forums.extremeoverclocking.com/index.php
  3. It wouldn't change reliability... possibly lower it though due to it being around other objects that creat interferance... you don't often have to replace hard drives, but it would be slightly more expensive to put in (due to needing an external case and an extra cord/plug), and the drive itself should be finewith temp, mine stayes under 30-35 degrees C all day. btw that is in a 5x5 closet that probably gets to 90+ degrees F when im doing my gaming with the door closed... Now your case being cooler... can't tell you that unless I can get more info on your case.
  4. you can run sata outside the case, but even if you could get it to work (im not sure, ive never tried it) I wouldn't even consider usb etc. But yea, just hook up an external drive using sata
  5. couldn't have said it better myself. it to a point isn't even the same concept though, it technically is the same since I am pretty sure nvidia is a branch of intel, and ati is now part of amd.
  6. Yes, as others have said, a lot depends on your exact situation. I had a 15" L7 (sold now) and it hit a lot better than with a 4.5 cube box sub/port up than the previous box, which was a 3 cube box with the sub up port back (or any other way for that matter) So in my case, it was either the extra cubes or just the placement that made port/sub up better for me. Now this was in a minivan, but it isn't too much different than an suv.
  7. Ive sometimes wondered if cell companies make all their $$$ off of people going over on their texts like that... In other news late last year I got my regular blackberry curve (8300) for $30 plus the upgrade fee... I love it
  8. Glad to see it was a worthwhile trip In other news, I never realized how amazing Chevyboy's truck looked... Im going to go searching for a build log etc now, and I am going to be dissapointed if I can't find it...
  9. Definitely clears it up a bit. Ive noticed some vids have where you can click to raise the resolution... Im guessing this just does the same thing even when not given the option... good stuff.
  10. Yea, IMO, prom shouldn't be on the same weekend as the little 500... from the way it sounds, there will be a bunch of cops out... puts a damper on after prom/little 500 festivities....
  11. dang, I have a track meet invitational tomorrow night... I wish I could get to it... since I live a stone's throw from IU... ok, well 10 minutes away, I should see if I can get around to any of the festivities... Then again it is prom weekend too...
  12. That and not all white people can't jump... Im about 6 ft with my shoes on, and I can out-jump every black person in both of the schools ive been in during highschool, and haven't personally known one that could outjump me either. (though I have high-jumped against some) Then again, I do have a 30-something inch verticle...
  13. Although clearing that is definitely possible in my opinion, look how un-natural the jump looks, the arc just isn't smooth enough to be real IMO, especially right before he lands. Still kinda cool I guess.
  14. So now its going to be a while before I can get a pic... I forgot I left my camera in my gf's bag... I guess its alright though, ill have some nice new pics of her tomorrow... Anyways, Ive pretty much decided that I am just going to go ahead and buy me a small pot blaster just to take away any doubt in my mind...
  15. Alright, that helps. Thanks. I might take a pic here in a bit to show you exactly what it looks like just to make sure though...
  16. So im in the process of restoring my 67 mustang, but no longer have access to a sandblaster at the moment like I have for a while. So the previous owner put some POS primer on it, besides the fact he covered up some decent sized rust holes with just bondo. So what I am doing is taking a wire brush on an angle grinder, and taking off the bondo and POS primer to fix it up right. So when I get done going over it with the brush, it leaves the surface pretty smooth, to the point of being pretty reflective, unlike the sandblasting which leaves a surface with tiny pits in it that the paint has plenty of surface area to adhere to. So my question is should the self-etching primer I am using be good enough adhering to the surface to the point I won't later need to worry about stripping it again and blasting it?
  17. Btw I think I might spy some rust in the front wheelwell, better check to see if it is and if so if there is more that has just been covered. Other than that though, looks nice.
  18. Just throwing this comment out there, atleast for places like this, it is helpful to put it on the lo-fi version of the site. I agree, I do it quite often, but after a while it does get a little annoying.
  19. Im glad im not a complete retard when it comes to closing those things out... I just ended the firefox process... guess I should have looked down at the other comments...
  20. in the vid it was said that he had been driving many miles recklessly and on the wrong side... I don't think there was any attempt to stop... pretty bad still though.
  21. I used to play bf2 before I got cod4... maybe ill get on sometime though
  22. Sounds like you have an electrical issue with something not getting enough power... did you wire a direct line from the battery to the compressor and the valves? There isn't a chance a harness was tapped into is there?
  23. Just a thought, but I don't think this kid can drive well... That combined with the viper drifting is just strait up embarrassing... Especially the drifting, he did the exact same thing twice in a row, just spun it around strait into the wall.
  24. I was gunna try it... infact loaded up photoshop with it... then after an attempt or two I realized I don't know how to change something to a color of something when it is a plain color like white or grey... If it weren't for the fact im sick and don't feel like being up... and it is past my bedtime... id try to figure it out....
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