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Everything posted by KillaCam

  1. When I get on facebook I read to about the second post before I say "that's fucking stupid" and then log off.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      It's funny 'cause it's not me... LOL

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      I pick my battles wisely lol. Knowledge goes a long way.

    4. TylerParrish


      for me, facebook is nothing but "like this, and that" or bull shit about relationships. It's fuckin annoying.

  2. I haven't been this messed up in a few years. Good night for meeeeee mothafuckas,
  3. `hell yeah! fuck bathrooms and their nonsense,
  4. you guys better get on my level.
  5. I tend to walk right past the bathroom just to go outside to piss while drinking.
  6. ..and I'm trying to get pretty drunk haha
  7. I'm mobile don't think that worked
  8. fixed. It looks like a panther on the can, I just pretend it's a fucked up looking Lion.
  9. beer for me, as always. Unless someones making me drinks. lol That uv cake is pretty good though.
  10. Anyone else drinking tonight?
  11. Well I'm a bitch, have to walk around that hose a few times before I can balls up and go inside.
  12. The celebrity guests they choose on Yo Gabba Gabba are straight crazy.

    1. LT.Smoke


      Um why the F##K you watchin yo gabba gabba?? You have kids?

    2. HatersGonnaHate


      His girlfriend is 14. She likes DJ Lance.

    3. KillaCam



      No kids yet, just my sister. I thought Biz's beat of the day was badass and then they go out and get Andy Samberg.

  13. I have me a nice buzz. Adam aren't you married? Lol
  14. I read this and thought "I need to stay the hell out of this thread", lol now I get what you're saying.
  15. Hell yeah mr Cam is drunk before 4pm.
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