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Everything posted by KillaCam

  1. got other name for it? nah, as long as it sounds clean and keeps up with bass Lol then I guess theres no need to go threw the hassle of 3way.
  2. He's just asking a question... No need to bitch.
  3. If you're like me and start grinning every time you hear every note and sound in a song and even the breathing in between lines I would go for the 3 way.
  4. Well I never met a girl so interested in car audio... Pics of said girl?
  5. Top poster! My balls are hanging low

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      I was top poster for 6 hours yesterday. My balls held the same as always... I'd recommend going to a Dr.

  6. Got some of the inside lights done today, outside will start tomorrow. Y U Hatin?
  7. The motor is spinning the belt creating some friction and that puts off heat. It's also being converted to electricity and electricity is not cold. It's normal for it to be hot with everything it does. Hows your voltage? If its right on then I wouldn't worry about it.
  8. My step-dad had 2 of those exact same ones. Cant play a guitar but it was fun to mess around with lol
  9. Yup, lvl 7 right here. Edit: Yeah, not the best with paint
  10. Even if it is true, it would be a long wait for you to get one. Thats the problem with all the people hopping on the lol
  11. Maybe I missed it but are the prices posted? If not can I send you an email for them?
  12. All blue interior lights? I was thinking the same thing! I was going to but then I thought. If I put all blue then I won't have and light to see anything in the night inside, if I need something...or looking for registration when I get pulled over for loud music haha....not that that has happened to me......... Yup the domes and doors were all blue led. I had led and neon under the dash and seats, even the bench seats. Those ones were all synchronized to play with the music. Nice man! Ever get pulled over for flashing blue lights?? Haha Nope, I kept all the flashing ones low to the ground so it lit up the floor like a dance club but stayed below the windows so it was hard to see from the outside. The dome lights were easily seen but I never drove around with those on lol
  13. Good luck in Michigan, I just moved out because of there not being any good work. If you're in the medical field I'm pretty sure Covenant in Saginaw is always hiring. Had a few people in my family work there. They do have a neurological section too. There is also Dow Chemical right by and Hemlock Semi Condoctor. I also heard they are building a few solar power plants in the area too. PS, I saw when this was posted but I know how Michigan is and you're probably still looking for a job. Oh also just remembered Dow Diamond I worked there 80+ hours a week, it sucked but I made bank Anyway good luck.
  14. All blue interior lights? I was thinking the same thing! I was going to but then I thought. If I put all blue then I won't have and light to see anything in the night inside, if I need something...or looking for registration when I get pulled over for loud music haha....not that that has happened to me......... Yup the domes and doors were all blue led. I had led and neon under the dash and seats, even the bench seats. Those ones were all synchronized to play with the music.
  15. It is wayyy to late to do anything. The bike is just plain gone, just accept it and like I said take it as a lesson learned. This happened to me when I was little, only happened to me once because I learned to just put my bike away locked up. Sorry it happened if you're smart it shouldn't happen again.
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