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Status Replies posted by KillaCam

  1. Please do the needful.

  2. Please do the needful.

  3. Swear to God if you've been lieing im done.

  4. Decisions decisions... Do I leave my muffler off since it yields a 3mpg gain? Or do I put it back on and avoid being 'that one person?'

  5. •Name: •How old you look: •Rate: •Would I Txt you: •Are we close: •The name I call you: •Are you worth my time: •Would I talk to you: •would I hug or kiss you:•do I love you :•Do I like your profile picture:•Do I trust you: •To be honest ? •Would I care if I lost you ? •First impression: •Have you ever made me laugh or smile? •Name in my phone ? •Would I marry you on fb...

  6. human centipede 2 ..... shits all over first one and made me squeamish as hell

  7. Man, what a day for a trip. Rain all the way to Dallas....then to Houston too I bet....jamming the Bose though.

  8. I neeed to hit the lottery.

  9. I am newly hooked on "draw something" app for everything. Although my phone is to old to run the damn app I play on Hannah's Ipad which makes it way easier. With all of its advantage as far as size and ease of drawing. I still get this tense anxious feeling when I have to send Christine Werner a drawing because she is just SO much better than me. When given the three options, I usually choose the easiest to make me look good haha

  10. Not for the kids, but for justice.Kony 2012

  11. Peel 'n seal is king and subwoofer break in is a must!

  12. Farts smell worse in the shower. Worst part is, you really can't get away from it.

  13. Went to change the batteries in my key fob and now my alarm sounds when I try to start the car and it wont start. I'm pissed :madsign:

  14. if car audio was God then Gods name would be Rockford Fosgate

  15. Why do people think smoking is cool? All your doing is hurting your self in the long run.

  16. i dont like this thing they call insurance shopping ... lol

  17. To the woman with 6 screaming kids at Walmart: you are probably wondering how that box of condoms got in your cart, take the hint. You're welcome

  18. ready for.... dayglow cinci!

  19. Gotta find some local bass heads.. noone to shoot the shit to about car audio :l

  20. "I'm on a diet but I'm doing donuts in six speed"

  21. Do heated seats draw a lot of power?

  22. thank spring is here lol

  23. whoever is going that fast down my street if i catch you doing it im smashing somthing off your car idgaf who u are

  24. Done with peopl lying to me about Erin. I know things about her, than everyone else. Quit talking shit. Thanks.(:

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