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Everything posted by __d_a_v_i_d__

  1. fosure !! Yes. Don't get it on any of your skin! Work slowly starting at the bottom and let it sit for a hour or so and then work you way up to keep it in atleast somewhat of a controllable process. haha i know !! i did my trunk the beginning of the year. messyy
  2. you know yours is pretty. did you finally recone them to get all the potential? 147 is super nice, what is tuned to?
  3. yea it was you and a few others that i see already,nice stuff man !!! damn 5 cans? i know theres more out there
  4. mine use to look like this when i had windows. dual mons on i forgot what graphics card. 23" n 19" was nice, now i got a 20s mac lovin it
  5. i think imma just put thin wood on the floor, to add L than foam that bishh up... just waiting on t3 to ship my things out and charge my card to see if i got enough for an alt
  6. im ready for this !!!!! let me see some vids or post up your build logs ! to lazy to look one by one most of ya dont put it on the title. so i wanna see some !!! finally got my box !! its tune lowwwww like 32hz. but its carpeted, so we'll see how the foam treats that, and do ya place wood on the side of the box to hold the foam to going more back? process ?
  7. i want expecting that dude from the news with red bandana LMFAooo shit made my day
  8. If you want cheap DON'T buy new .. They are great use subs out there !!!!
  9. so 200 for two comps kickers rated at like what 300 watts? look at your local craiglist ill rather get 1 mtx 9500 12 or 15. for 150-200. the ap 1500 amp. that would be better imo.
  10. i love my bass knob !!! its stiff while turning it meaning the subs are cold and it losens up when its ready. idk how . but it does. lol
  11. very true ... just my suggestion ... thats loser talk ! haha lets see this build !!
  12. Personal experience . I add 4 15s on 1300 rms sealed boxes . Was loud. N then I moved to 2 12s on 2500 rms sexy ported box . Was louder !!!! Sold those . N now going with 2 12s on 5k!! Hopefully would be louder !!! It's all in install but in my experience cone area was not louder, it was power.
  13. Just got out the phone with Rusty the man himself ! hooked me up sooooo cleanly with XL 15! and ordered up my shit !! muahahaahalol.if you haven got your DC shirts!!! order them up !!! and got my 2nd 12 t.2000 ordered up aswell !!!! im Excited!!!!!!!! with my my coax !!! and i got my 2nd amp like 2 days go !!!! hopefully i still got atleast 2 bills on my card after i get charged and all. if i do !!! 300 amp alt here i come !!! after i sell my 3rd mtx 9500 and ss xxx 15".
  14. Oh . Um okay lol ... I think the nigghtshades V2 are 2k rms ? Idk haven't seen any specs posted anywhere . Are you gonna be comparing subs with others ?
  15. 5k rms daily each ? Ahhh . No. You know that teejay . Edit: um CONFUSE . So you got a sundown ? Rather than a tsns ?
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