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Status Updates posted by Freshman6969

  1. welp, that was alot harder then it should have been

    1. Zapanater


      Everything always is.

  2. welp, time to go to sleep!

  3. what you know bout them packers?

    1. Watch the bass

      Watch the bass

      Im from Germany, normaly we get only the Superbowl to see and i know, to cheese them up!

  4. What you running from when you youre your only fear?

  5. When the fuck does whitecastle open damnit

  6. when your having a bad day, just remember that someone out there is pulling a door that says push

    1. SCS_Audio


      HAHAHA!!!  Loved that one!

    2. CJ18


      I just remember that someone has to look like you do everyday and that makes me feel better!

  7. Where da party at, lq on deck

  8. who sleeps anymore

    1. Emmet


      Uh... People. Y'know we kind of need it.

  9. Who was the greatest prostitute in history? ms pacman, for 25 cents that bitch swallowed balls till she died

  10. Whos trying to go to AC for my bday

  11. Why do I always gotta be the good guy

    1. tdsa23


      Its who you are happen to me to

  12. Why must all German cars suck giant Dick to work on -.-

    1. Watch the bass

      Watch the bass

      For the garages to make a money, greetings from Germany

    2. KillaCam


      Agreed, a pain in the ass.

  13. Why the fuck is it snowing

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SnowDrifter
    3. Big-A


      That sucks, Its 80 clear and sunny here.

    4. KillaCam


      Well I was about to brag about 77. Still great weather for me

  14. women and rocks are very much a like, we skip the flat ones

  15. women just dont make any sense

    1. KillaCam


      When they do make any they just blow it on handbags and bullshit. ;)

    2. CJ18


      since when is this news?

  16. Work all day, whats good for tonight

  17. Work is way to slow right meow

  18. wow, how the FUCK did he just catch that?

    1. OrionStang


      What catch? Incomplete.

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