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Everything posted by CheezyMane13

  1. Beautiful Body for Auto Modeling, she has what alot of car guys like in there female models. She is very...how do u say it... Nicely proportionate in the right places. I have a friend that models that looks similar to her, I say she has a hell of a good shot
  2. Think about it, your trunk is 5ft wide which includes the sides, and about 3-4ft deep.Tehn you have the back where the latch is and the actual trunk itself. Say 25 cubic feet for one coat. One roll of Peel N Seal is 12.5 cubic feet. Two rolls per layer. So 4 rolls for 2 layers
  3. Soulja boi gets my vote for worst rapper ever live and ever in existence. Beats everyone in a landslide. Way to be super repetitive in your songs and talk about somethin that no one has no common sense.
  4. those look only about 2-3 years old so good deal man, diamond aren't that bad of amps
  5. I got a van and I'm rocking the Subs Up, Port back I have heard this same setup works best for most all vehicles that are 4 door hatch types, (SUV, vans, coupe hatchbacks,) unless a wall is being done
  6. no emission laws in MI either that means we can drive 69 Camaros that get 5 miles per gallon
  7. Great wire and pretty damn flexible, tip for use is to leave in the sun for a hour or two before installing, will become like putty
  8. Shit i left out the cutouts for the subs of one of the boxes i made. one layer of 3/4 MDF went to over 1.5"
  9. If you make the port area smaller or make the port longer that will lower tuning frequency
  10. What seems to be wrong with it??? It seems to be about the right cost of a 2500, still way cheaper then a RF T2500-1bd
  11. Look at TylerTrons build log and search the thread that's called Walled Vehicles
  12. Awesome this time Michigan gets fucked, YAY for the mitten EDIT: This is epic but right after i initailly posted this reply i scroll down and theres an add that says' "BP Spill Blame Obama? Vote Here Now" Epic
  13. Hey if you haven't found it already get the Dog Whistle app for the iphone you can change the frequency and do it in public, always goo fun to be in public and play a 18kHz note
  14. If your seats fold down id say go with port and sub firing into the cab, but if they dont do them firing towards the back
  15. I agree after making a slot port for my 3 15" type Rs, I realy should have made more port area, i have 108sq in i should have gone close to 130-140
  16. X2 Well supposedly the stetsoms cause tensil leads to burn up, but there is mixed reviews that i have heard about this. Guess I will have to see when my buddy gets his stetsom 7kd powerign his 4 18" DC XLs, if they do burn i mean whats the worst that could happen,???
  17. Definitely gonna have to go Murdered Out, that one is sick and looks low, and Wisconsin isn't far for you just take the ferry across Lake Michigan and you'll be good to go
  18. So whats the rated AH, CCA, and CA of these batteries
  19. Id go with the Crescendos, I mean or you can get like a Stetsom 7k, they do like 8200RMS with a good electrical
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