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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Everything posted by JeremyN

  1. I would like to get back in to it and I thought it would be a great way to get to know this community more and promote it to the general public
  2. of all the SMD members in the Sacramento area who would be interested in starting a SMD softball team?
  3. I think you two should just get together and engineer your own product, and then design your own car audio website and get hundreds of thousands of followers and then sell them your product! I will be the first one in line to come tell you that your product is a piece of shit and you should have done it differently because I just dont like it. If you dont like it then just dont post, just keep your mouth shut and go read the next thread. I think you should shut your mouth this is in the " test " stage if I'm not mistaken and was not criticizing the product ... I think its cool as Hell .. I just did not realize the footprint was as small as it is till I put it on paper. BTW you don't know me and don't try to be an E thug
  4. ya ! whats the size of it and why does Nate Not want to share Build ? BTW N8 pm your build pics link I wanna see ^^^^^ ninja-ed on Dims ^^
  5. good work my man ........ Id like to see the sealing off the rear portion in the greatest detail to aid me in my build on my single 15 ported build
  6. I'm sure this has been said a million times ................no matter what you think you know and how much you know always read the book several times before attempting an install
  7. youll never know..................................................................................................
  8. you need to have this moved to the members rides section not in the SOTM section ask a Mod or Admin to move it
  9. whats on my mine? BEER

    1. Jessica


      Well, you better leave it, that sucker will blow up if you take the beer off of it.

    2. JeremyN


      its ok I put the pin in it

  10. regular 18 gauge and if you need thicker in the terminal double it over on itself or use a male bullet conector
  11. I was thinking to my self today and said " self does it make a difference when I set gains with my DD-1 with the car on and getting 14.6 volts or with the car off and reading 12.6 volts? " and I don't know the answer to tell myself or anybody else. Can anybody chime in and help ? It killing me inside to know the answer.
  12. look up the spec sheet on manufacturer web site
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