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Everything posted by bdog

  1. i hope all the amp companies start to use this as a standard . i know i will nutt hug any that does. lol
  2. my guess would be that when you hit the note that give you the least imp rise your amp draws the most power and your dropping the voltage down too low. ive seen up to a 3 volt difference between the front batt and what that amp will se during a run
  3. Just clamp and divide by 3 lol so.. lots of amplifier companies are going to have to change there model #'s ? brz 2400 800 lol
  4. how many css player do we have here? lets do a weekly scrim or something
  5. v1 what you prob have and v2 looks different and i think the v2 say v2 on it go to the sundown audio site it has a pic of the v2's
  6. i know someone who has 3 12" sealed in his tacoma behind his rear seat. he fiberglassed the rear wall and built the box off of that. i think you can easily build a box for two ported tens @ 2cf which is fine for the sd-10s
  7. i have 2 sd-10's on a saz1500 @1ohm and it seems like a good match
  8. i would grab one z now and add another later when i can aford
  9. you have this thing about rooting for muderer's? i would say it does make you a bad person. Kind of a real shit head.I'm not rooting for him, but they've already lit up two cars trying to kill him without warning . What are they trying to hide?please don't tell me you are one of THOSE people. OMG... My dad was an undercover federal officer for 15 years, I'd be the first one to put one in his dome, but this really just seems . . . off. Even my dad said so. im sure this guy has many secrets he would love to tell
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