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Everything posted by gally

  1. already finished the story and most of the game...intrested in plaing co-op if anyone is aviable...on xboy 360... the main storry seems a little bit too short...FC3 was way longer for a story..other than that a lot of other stuff to do...kinda love the grapling thing and that you can buy the wingsuit as soon as you got enough money...
  2. Bought me a C-MARK MT5500-Pro

  3. 2 12s, 2.5˝voice coil, tuned to 38?? sobs are Ground Zero Radioactive 12SPL..got em new a while ago for 70€ a piece on some shop sale...guess its about time to use them..

  4. Destiny is like that...came out at the proper Date, but it is incompelete...so many fixes had to be done still...game crashes sometimes...dont know about halo...bassicaly waiting on Guardians....halo of course
  5. subs with 2.5˝voice coils....yes or no?

  6. ok its settled...2 12s..or 1 fifteen?..the 15 wouold be wither the GZRW 38SPL OR the DD 9515(either i or J series)

  7. OK...im NOT giving 400 for a damn recone...rather than that when this sub goes up in smoke i guess i will use them 12s...or get me another 15 different model...

  8. need to change some things...also have 2 12s at home...thinking to use them and get rid of the 15˝one..as for the 15˝one the recone costs 400€...OR buy me another 15 incher and got me cheaper recones....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gally


      the plutonium series recone is nearly 500€ which is crazily amazing...a recone for a Fi BL 15 is nearly 250€ over here

  9. need to change some things...also have 2 12s at home...thinking to use them and get rid of the 15˝one..as for the 15˝one the recone costs 400€...

  10. is it worth if I would get a different 15˝sub with a lower xmax?....this one has over 50mm of xmax...and sounds great..but would the other 15˝one with lower xmax sound the same???

    1. rockFord_Expedition


      As in swap one out for the other? Why would you want to do that?

    2. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      xmax is not the only spec that matters..there is so much more that plays into it. Motor force is one of those things.

  11. oh i forgot...changed my front speakers from cadence to the Alpine R series...the difference..amazing...The alpine is clearer and louder than the cadence one..but the cadence had a nice kick to it..guess this is it for the front for now

  12. so i am wired to 2 ohm curently and i see my car flexing in a decent way...i tried at 0,5ohm...need deadner, but i already put the deadner in...so guess i need it more

  13. so...this spiders and sorrounds are applicable for other subwoofers as well or just sundown? the mega roll still looks more of a bad ass than the spl one...
  14. sony DSC TX100 as a good camera for bass???

  15. finished the 5th night shft this morning...feeling somehow, relaxed...slept for over 8 hours...and enyoing the 2 day off..

  16. working 5 nightshifts in a ROW...today is my 3rd one...feeling like shit and cant even sleep..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OrionStang


      At least you're able to work.

    3. Pasta Prime

      Pasta Prime

      Come to the dark side.....

      I work 6pm to 6am 4 on 4 off. Best shift ever. I never have to deal with management.

  17. a nearby car audio shop got their demo car and claimed that they did 155+ on 4 10s....got to listen the car, and it sounded somehow burpy...box was tuned to 58hz...with a cactus 5K..also...when they pick a song that plays lows you can hear the sub hitting the bottom...ouch

    1. Tecomah


      A 55 with four tens on that power is gonna be tuned high as shit lol. Don't know what you expected

  18. i want pink baskets... also is it possible to paint the magnet at all?
  19. build a new boxx...found out that gets LOOW somehow to about 25hz...sounds awesome...and up to 36...other than that....love it

    1. Kyblack76


      shrink vol or open the vent

    2. gally


      how??i just want to leave it like that...its a slot port..and the sub is inverted..

    3. gally


      oh yeah also the box was downsized by around 20 liters which made it sound better


  21. dont mean to be rude...but the feeling when you are in a garage and you set of an alarm of too...flawless

  22. so was in the traffic waiting on the green light and there was this nice song, i think it was called Leanin or something..anyway i crank it up as the song has a nice touch and this one old man waves at me and giving me the midle finger...laughed as shit,

  23. ok so the SPL sub does not like higher notes in the current box but it somehow goes verry deep in lower ones..love it...also some vids coming up

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