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Status Updates posted by gally

  1. new GZRW 30XSPL 1500wRMS D1 or D2..basket looks like shit(i dont like it) but somehow its promising...also they dont know if recones will be aviable for them...for a 200€ price range its nice...love the dustcap tho

    1. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      For a woofer with SPL in the name seems weird they wouldn't offer rezones....

  2. got a look on some new subs GZRW 30XSPL D1..looks promising, will see in the future if i would buy them...for a 1500wRMS sub and a price od 200€its not that bad

  3. weird working hours today...starting at 11/30 anf finish at 19/30h..looks weird to me

  4. so a while ago i pickes up a pair ofd brand new subs for cheap on some ocasional Sale event...thing is... the subs dont play ANYthing below 30hz the

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Krakin


      -24dB/octave below tuning, without counting for acoustics of the environment.

    3. 97Jetta1637


      you can tune a box to 5 hz, if you fuck up it wont do anything spectacular. it's not a science, it's a trial and error.

  5. Deadmau5 - Aural psynapse...such a good song

  6. today my DD amp returned...so im ready for installing the amp in the car...just got to fund the time

  7. whe shippind in italy is higher than in your own country, but then again they have cheap recones which over here they are pricey

  8. Ordered Earl Stevens wine a while ago...when i tasted it ...delicious...esspecialy with a nice fiorentina steake, and some potatoes

    1. _paralyzed_


      It's been proven even the snobbiest of wine snobs can't tell the difference between cheap and expensive wine in blind taste tests. In non-blind tests where they put cheap wine in expensive bottles, they scored the cheap wines better than the more expensive ones. Perceived value man...

  9. Kind of a stupid question but do a sub with a 4˝ voice coil sound louder than the one with the 3˝voice coil???????

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Louder how? Burp, timed runs?

    3. Kyblack76


      But NO a larger coil deist mean louder. Consumption, that's different.

    4. gally


      oh ok...so˝4˝ coils needs like more power to produce the same result as the 3˝ coils on lower power??

  10. so today after doing 3 night shifts in a row i installed my pioneer deh 8400BT...had to say...it sounds magnificent...also like the amber key and royalblue display color options

  11. 2.5˝voice coils..are they good for lows?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MrSkippyJ


      not sure what the relation to coil size and how low a sub will play is.

    3. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      Shouldn't matter. My vvx10 played super low in a tline and was a 2.5 coil . There are other things that matter much more. First is enclosure..and then there's a bunch of other stuff..motor force spider stiffness etc

    4. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      As in super low I tuned it 25hz iirc and it played with authority from mid 20's to 50's

  12. si my subs have 2.5˝voice coils...found out it cut off playing anything below 29hz or lower..subs ar e GZRW 30SPL.after some testing i guess i will do some box between 35-39hz as they perform the best..

    1. Phaeton


      my square mb quarts 10" with a 2.5 coil played to like, 27 hz. ported box i was so impressed. then they blew lol.

  13. So a while ago i got me 2 almost new subs for verry cheap...however...i did NOT realize they had a 2.5˝voice coil

    1. evermaxx


      whats wrong with a 2.5in VC?

    2. gally


      i tried the subs but it seems like it cut off plaing enything bellow 30hz..never had a 2.5˝VC before...

      anything special about it?

  14. So there was this fuck on a highway who was literally riding on my ass for all the time..it was almost an 2 hour drive and plenty of space to take over me..so this asshole was giving me lights so i guess i would stop giving a fuck about it..as i did, i drove for a couple of minutes and he surpass me bitching that i drive friggin slow...(was driving 120+km/h)..after we got in the city i finally would call the cops on him as i saw the whole friggin damn car was actually an undercover police c...

  15. that weird feeling when you found out that the 2din radio dont get in the actual 2din space...

    1. justin0943


      make room like I did in my 02 ram 1500 it 1 1/2 din but I made a 2-din work

    2. SlamminBeats


      had that happen. gotta love foreign

  16. bought me a set of Cadence QRS6K2 components---need to install them

  17. guy over here sellin 6 AA Chaos 10s for cheap...they all blown tho.

  18. listening to N2deep back to the hotel song....it ... sounds great for an old song...

    1. ROLEXrifleman


      Follow it up with Paperboy, Ditty

  19. so how does it SOUND a 300€uro price for a used AA Mayhem 12?

    1. OrionStang


      You should probably buy the harness you keep bitching about for your headunit.

    2. OrionStang


      Based on today's exchange rate, that price is a bit high.

  20. found out that my car needs some special 40pin canbus adapter for working to other aftermarket radios...that piece of shit costs nearly 40€

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gally


      had some cars before and you buy the adaptor and everthing was fine...now on the newer models you have to buy different adapters for a single aftermarket radio to play..

    3. OrionStang


      So buy the fucking adapters and carry on.

    4. gally


      cant....other than that adapter there is another adapter that gets in between the first adapter and the radio...and i could not find it anywhere

  21. my parents watching basketball...USA vs Slovenia...bitchin at everyone in Team Slovenia...thank good i voted for usa to win...won me 220€....

  22. playing destiny for the past 3 hours...been crashing every 15 minutes of gameplay....fuck bungie servers..

    1. gally


      i finished all BF4....got all the achievements, so it was time to move on

    2. SlamminBeats


      LOL achievements... i remember hacking those back in the day. was #125th in the world...what a joke

  23. its liek almost 5AM...going to get me a nap..and then shopping for audio parts...with my moped

    1. gally


      oh..it an Tomos Alpino..

  24. so after i finally repaired my atv there is some friggin ass biker who just went on a rampage on my right wheel....i mean...come on, how in the fuck could you not see me on the damn road?

  25. so after i finally repaired my atv there is some friggin ass biker who just went on a rampage on your right wheel....i mean...come on, how in the fuck could you not see me on the damn road?

    1. gally


      i meant on my right wheel...

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