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Status Updates posted by ProMaxx316

  1. at work: Sir oil change is done. But the brakes are very low. Would you like them checked? Guy: Do i really need them? Me: Well they are almost grinding. Guy: well it's my wifes car so leave it alone.

  2. Just got my skyhigh speaker wire impulse buy. Now i get to look at it untill i have some speakers to wire up.

    1. Carbon


      Welcome to the club man

    2. CNF Kevosinn

      CNF Kevosinn

      hell ya good stuff!

  3. Tomorrow i go and get my tattoo finished

  4. Local guy that sells stuff out his car just tried selling me a $3700.00 Back & Odin hdx-707 for $800.00. All i could do was laugh when he was trying to amp it up like its the greatest shit.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ram


      it is really good. sick deal, wonder if its fake

    3. ProMaxx316


      It was one of those knock-off surround sounds. has 3,700 bucks retail on it. It's known in New York as "the White Van Scam"

    4. Lbox88
  5. Starbucks k-cup. No sir don't like it

  6. Order some Ring terminals. Got a free bag of Skittles with it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 8ight


      Mmmmm, processed food...

    3. OrionStang


      Haven't had Skittles for a really long time. Sounds kinda good. Where do you get the free Skittles deal w/ ring terminals?

    4. ProMaxx316
  7. No work today. car lost in snow.

    1. Emoxihax


      what's a little water?

    2. ProMaxx316


      ehh a little water that froze and transformed into stu that makes my car with very little ride height tough to drive in.

  8. I love it when my job fucks up my pay check and "forgets" to pay me my 9.5 hours over time.

    1. Kyblack76


      Jesus man. 10 hrs of OT is not a lil fuck up. That would cause me to flip the fuck out. Bummer bro.

  9. Love working on a car leaking gas :/

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