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Everything posted by SoCaLBaMF

  1. http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/135035-t15k-inventor-model-finished/
  2. Had a friend do that to me one time in my driveway that I didnt know about, and I talked to him I was like "someone scraped along my car and it dented the fender also".... he replied "oh yeah that was me, but you got a shitty car so I figured it wouldnt matter.".......
  3. ^ ^ ^ ^ Hes trying to create a monopoly, hes got 4... lol.
  4. you're still working on that? shiiiit can't wait to see it Yes, I just recently found it again and I was like damn, need to finish it.... but never had a picture of the gains/ settings side to go off of. I amazed myself comparing photos on how close I actually got in similarity lol.
  5. Now I got a good picture of the gain knobs to go off of to finish my T15k model
  6. You can piss off N8 all you want, he wont do a thing. Same with Sensai lol
  7. Its interesting to see how many US products/ food chains are in different countries.
  8. That was fun shit.... lol and steve try not to be a cheerleader next time Too bad my voice chat quit workin at the end. Lets do this again sometime.
  9. You got to think about all the seasons too, winter especially. Salt, slush, ice. BMW probably wouldnt be ideal for a black ice road when its got street tires and if its rear wheel drive. If you know how to drive and correct then no big deal. My TB is rear wheel with street tires and does just fine in the slush and ice at the same time people are shitting themselves but thats probably because I know how to drive lol.... Summer and the other months you dont really have much to worry about.
  10. Absolutely hate algebra, calculus, trig, or any type of math with a passion, never understood it. I'm more of a common sense guy lol.
  11. Ill be at the bars. Probably going to be one massiveeee suicide rate jump on that date... oh well less dummies!
  12. Bugatti Veyron 16.4 - 253.81 mph SSC Ultimate Areo V8 - 256.18 mph Bugatti Veyron SS - 267.85 mph SSC Tuatara - (projected 276+mph) but no recorded speed.
  13. Seems like cancer will get the best of all of us someday. My next door neighbors both died from cancer, one went extremely fast. Diagnosed one day, less than a month later was 6 feet underground. Never under estimate it...
  14. Did that a few times to my soundstream 2600 when I was wiring it at night, unfused. Still alive and kickin today
  15. Thats just called the "pussification of America".... nobody can take jokes anymore, all goes straight to the heart. I had a good laugh out of it, Im sure a few ford guys probably did too.
  16. Probably not gonna find one for that budget. Especially 6-7k REAL watts...
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