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Status Replies posted by bass_stalker

  1. Might be getting myself a Jeep Cherokee in the near future. I'll be stepping the game up from 2 10's to some 15's if the deal pulls through.

  2. No wonder our sport isn't growing. Seen the entry fee's? They're even charging guys that don't compete, just wanting to give demos all day. Fuck that.

  3. hates when someone wants to buy something then just vanishes

  4. Gotta find some local bass heads.. noone to shoot the shit to about car audio :l

  5. Gotta find some local bass heads.. noone to shoot the shit to about car audio :l

  6. I hate waiting for my stuff to sell. That's the only thing between me and a wall

  7. Wtf is gas doin at $3.80


  9. Need some help guys. Check out my sale section threads, throw me an offer. I need to fund the rebuild for finals.

  10. Need some help guys. Check out my sale section threads, throw me an offer. I need to fund the rebuild for finals.

  11. why are all these updates in other languages, or did i just not notice them before

  12. Alguien sabe como acceder con el SSH al iOS 5, es que quiero meter unos Roms para jugar N64 pero el iFunBox no me deja... =/

  13. It seems that Im being accused of being a "bully" on the site because I am "picking" on people. Odd that when almost all my posts are positive or helping someone with technical help with actual FACTS and telling people the truth instead of "theories" like some that are just telling people what they want to hear even if its not true..

  14. Ever get in that homicidal mode where its time to just start killin mutha fuckas left and right?

  15. Ever get in that homicidal mode where its time to just start killin mutha fuckas left and right?

  16. my faithful dremel. purchased in 2004 has finally died. please have a moment of silence for the passing of a legend.

  17. hmmm a little experiment. How many of you can i get to respond to this. Start now. I want the record. lol

  18. To whoever is bumping their system in central Louisiana, fuck you. I'm trying to rest :P

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