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Everything posted by Slinky

  1. wow some dudes on here must be raggin it this week. that or their bitches aren't putting out. anyways, OP, that sucks. I live in an on campus fraternity house right now and it has a few flaws, but nothing like that.
  2. ha. i definitely laughed at this. true, cod is more realistic than halo, but cod is far from realistic. arma 2 is realistic.
  3. my layout has been that way for months now
  4. bf is 100x better. its all preference though. if you like unrealistic teenage based wanne be shooters than cod is for you. if you dont want to waste your time with kiddie games, get battlefield. i have played so many of their games and each and every one is great. IMO, they have the best shooters out there. It is much more squad and teamwork based rather than just running around like a chicken with its head cut off. *sparknotes* cod sucks battlefield rocks (also, this is coming from a guy who has spent about 20 days on cod 4, 8 days on world at war, and a few days on mw2) edit: i just realized i should also include this. another reason bf has been a better experience for me is because i play bf on pc and ive only played cod on consoles. pc players are much more tolerable people and are generally older and have actually worked and paid for the system they are playing on.
  5. i totally hear ya on that one. once you get up to those larger screen sizes the price just skyrockets.
  6. im just sayin. you would definitely benefit from the extra resolution when web browsing.
  7. i hate to be negative but 720p=fail.
  8. but netbooks can do more than this thing can. thats the problem with it.
  9. eh, its neat. but its not for me. i feel its for an older market
  10. it may be. i was just judging by the pic. that pic looks like its running in 800 x 600
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