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Everything posted by Pokey

  1. Burrito had to be close to a heart attack...LoL. I hope the Chargers win too. So if the chargers win...what's next weeks match ups???
  2. So how bout it Ray??? Got any inside info you'd care to let us in on???
  3. I dunno about doing that...but the male would be the part with the end sticking out..like us...and the female would be the part you plug the male into..like them
  4. agreed is was a stupid movie, didnt live up to all the hype, same as Freddy got Fingered I tried to watch ND 3 times before I finally sat throught the whole thing..it was just too stupid...freddy got fingered has to be the dumbest movie of all time IMO
  5. I don't like harry pooter, LoL. Never seen swim fan, firewall, poseidon...liked the other chainsaw but I didn't see the beginning....or the original. I should go get those and check them out this week. I went to look at our movie collection..and there's not a single one that I have that I don't like...makes sense though. We don't go to the movies, ever. We usually wait til it comes out on DVD and get it then...99% of the time we like the movie and keep it. Otherwise we give it away, and I think we've only done that with 6 or 7 movies in the last 3 years.
  6. To me...that's how he was being an asshole. I was being polite and told him that I wasn't from the area and I didn't know the speed limit dropped so quickly. He got an attitude with me like I was being some asshat smartass. Even though I wasn't.
  7. Ahhhh...ok. Well 1 comp controls 48 cameras on 3 screens. This one isn't for anything special..just access. And the other one is all for the site controls and access roster stuff.
  8. Cops in N. Florida are assholes. I've had many run-in's with them over the years, mostly in Panama City during spring break and they're always asshats. Nothing you can really do though. Every now and then you'll find a cool one, but you have more of a chance at winning the Florida lottery, LoL.
  9. Coult be one of those small quick pfft ones...you know the ones I'm talking about. The kind you try hard to hold and when they slip out, your first thought it I did all that work to hold in that small of a fart....WTF man!!! Same thought as when you try to squeeze out a poop for 20 mins and all you get is a lil plop. Too much work and not enough pay off IMO....LoL.
  10. I don't even know WTF a KVM switcher is or a MUX unit.
  11. Where in Florida?? Cause I had a similar thing happen to me in Oct. 2004. I was going through Bonifay after a wedding in Mexico Beachwhen I got stopped for doing 65 in a 45. I was like WTF man?!?!?! IT was 65 and there was an overpass coming up, well about 100 feet or so after the overpass was a Bonifay city cop parked 10 feet behind a "Speed Limit 45" sign.....I was toast, there was no way I could slow down. He gives me a speeding ticket even though I told him that there was no way I could be in court for it because I was leaving to go back to Iraq in 2 days. He says "Oh well, mail the payment in. I really don't give a shit. All you military kids come down from Alabama and think you can do whatever you want down here in my town. Maybe this will teach you a lesson." Granted I was from military town and there were alot of asshat pilots that would go to the beach and cause trouble...I was just raised there, I wasn't one of the troublemakers. Well I went back to Iraq 2 days later and my mom called up the judge and explained the story to him..he dropped it from court, erased it from my driving record, and reamed that cops ass in court from what I heard (she had to go down there and pay a $25 court cost for me.) . I wish I could've seen that.
  12. I agree..that (stick on/bolt on) Xenon body kit/ground fx look nice and the light bar looks great on conv's.
  13. Does your girl know this too??? So when you're doin the biz and she farts, you can't tell??? That sucks...LoL.
  14. After thinking about it some today....it could be a knock sensor. Check the manual for it's placement and let me know. Other than that, I can't think of anything that it could be. I don't know newer motors very well, but that's all I can think of for yours. Hope it helps man.
  15. I have no idea what that stuff is....so I'll just say ok.
  16. Sorry bout that man...I was out doing stuff all day. As soon as I got home I passed out, woke up at 10:45 and came back to work. You interested in the one have too? Or just his???
  17. Man the back of that box has more waves the the beach....It's a nice install, but that box is effed up bad. not positive.. actually more likely wrong... but maybe he did it on purpose to make the box stronger ? I thought the same thing when I saw the car....and spinners on Mustangs...no no no. And since do you make a box look like shit by putting un-even waves in it just to make it stronger??? I could understand if the box was symmetrical and had even waves on both sides, but it doesn't. And if it's for show, that ruined it right there.
  18. I was just sayin meeces to sound funny. There's 4 computers, 7 total screens and 1 TV, and 4 keyboards & meeces in the security office out here. 3 screens and the TV are wired to the 64 cameras. 1 comp has dual moniters and 2 have single. Mine has a single moniter FTL. :'(
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