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Everything posted by Pokey

  1. Damn guys..ya'll are talkin about nearly killin someone with that shit....I was just talkin about whackin them with a stick...LoL.
  2. What about the electronics??? Is there anything on the carb or anywhere else on or close to the motor that would help with it running right?? Since it's a carb motor, it shouldn't have anything electronic on it to help it run right, unless there's an electric choke. I can't think of anything else on it that would mess it up as far as electrical stuff goes.
  3. LoL...it may. Is there just not enough room beside the seat and door to have an 18-24in. long slice of 1in.x1in. MDF??? That's what I have in my truck...but it has countertop laminate on it too. My old man makes countertops and cabinets so he gave it to me when I first got the truck. He hit a coconut with it and split the coconut in half...the MDF only has an extremely small dent in it on the edge where the laminate is. That shit ain't breakin man...you got some MDF lying around right??? Cut a piece and carry it with you, you know that shit ain't gonna break when you hit someone with it.
  4. Same car you were tryin to sell?? Are there even any electonics on it besides the ignition??? (I mean electronics for the motor BTW.)
  5. LoL about starting and shifting it. When I drove the Stang, I kept a bat or stick right by the drivers door. Then I got the truck and put it behind the seat.
  6. Before we took my beats out... :waaa:.... On the HU, I was running it at 35 out of 40 on volume...-4 out of -6/+6 for the sub...bass at -10 out of -12/+12...treble at -8 out of -12/+12...On the amp, gain at about 10% (0.2v to 8v), bass boost at 0 out of 0-18db....subsonic at 15hz out of 10hz-50hz....low pass at 60hz out of 20hz-250hz. When I turned up the bass boost and gain to almost max for a TL run...it wasn't as loud FSR. I lost 2db when I turned things up on both the HU and amp.
  7. Well it wasn't my cheap computer havin ass...I can tell you that. I didn't even vote cause I don't WTF is what up there...LoL.
  8. That thing is pretty sweet, not only can you loce the wheel, but you can whack someone with it if they try to mess with the car. I like it.
  9. CarToys is a shop..there's quite a few around the country. Not sure if they're a nationwide thing or just a bunch of different shops with the same name in different places.
  10. WOW...I thought she was gonna run all up on the hood of that other car, LoL. What a dumb shit.
  11. What's your rank, post, time in service, and are you married or single??? If you don't mind me asking...I just got out in Sept.
  12. I know what you mean...try Dom, if he's a no-go (Which I doubt he will be.)...try machine shops in your area.
  13. Might be easier and cheaper....save on shipping. Just ask around at machine shops. They can get a template and cut one up easily.
  14. How eff'd up is that?? They make the alts but not the brackets?? OGFTL on this one.
  15. Ok...you could just move one of the cups too. Or hurry up and drink it all so you don't have to worry about getting them mixed up. ;D
  16. I know they most likely wouldn't move it anywhere except to and from the trailer. But if they put all that time into the rest of the car, they could've taken some time to do the brakes too. Alot of folks notice the little things and it really shows how much attention to detail companies or people put into their WHOLE ride. Not just the best part of it.
  17. MUGS FTMFW!!!!!! Or at least a different color cup than your resin is in.
  18. I think the car has an amazing level of work and detail, but it's ugly IMO. The brakes look like they should be on a power wheels compared to those rims. That's my biggest pet peeve about rims, most folks don't upgrade the brakes and it turns out to look like ass. It's not just for show cars. Daily ones are like that too and I just don't care for that look. I know that one is not drivin daily, if ever, but it would've shown a lil more attention to detail on Alpines part.
  19. Got a Haynes manual??? More info on this sensor would help alot too.
  20. Same for me...but the first link didn't work. Said page cannot be displayed.
  21. Sucks about the bumper man....looks like it cracked the paint too. You shoulda either.... A.) Beat some ass....or 2.) Called the poo-lice and had them arrested for damaging private property.
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