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Everything posted by Pokey

  1. That Zuk is flat out crazy man!!!!! You got bowling balls for nuts or something man?!?!?! Holy shit..... :^
  2. I agree 100%. My truck was already like that when I bought it, so I had no choice. I ended up breaking the spring cup on the back pass side from hitting a pothole too fast, didn't see it coming. So I took out the drivers rear coil too...rear of truck sat on bumpstops.....worst ride ever, but damn did it look sweet.
  3. So we all agree on other member nomination??? Or put yourself in the competition and vote on it?? Is there a limit each month of how many folks can enter??
  4. GEICO....it stands for Government Employee Insurance Company.....but you don't have to be a government employee to get it.....kinda confusing huh??...LoL
  5. KHITN = Kick Him In The Nuts not directed towards you...I promise
  6. IMO it may be too small. I'd try to wait it out if I were you. How bad could it be not being able to bump for a few days???
  7. I'm kinda surprised no one responded to this one. I doubt you would since it's been so long, but do you still have them?
  8. Did you get those from Street Scene??? They look just like some my friend has on his S-10 Cameo, cept he has the carbon fiber ones. They look a hell of alot better than the old ones too.
  9. Do you have to hook up the new alt now??? Or could it wait til next week???
  10. That is what I've been told by folks who had fried amps, took them to get fixed, and later went back in to see how much the parts only cost. Some were parts...50-75...the rest was labor, which ended up being about 125 for 2 hours of work. And others were 125+ in parts and double that in labor. I don't know how to fix amps and I've never fried an amp, that is just what I've seen happen to some friends who had that problem.
  11. In other words, they kinda said it's your fault for not upgrading your alt. Which shouldn't have been the problem. IMO it was something with the amp that just kinda "let go" and decided to take a shit on you. Either find a local shop with a good rep for fixing amps, or find someone you know won't mess it up and get them to do it. Parts are pretty cheap, it's the labor that most places screw you on.
  12. If it got too hot, it could cause the spring to warp. Then you'd be out a spring. I had cut coils on all 4 corners of my C-10, they were cut drop springs. The guy before me did it cheaply, very cheaply. They were each cut by 2 coils. The frame was about 4 in. off the ground after that. Use a sawzall if you can get ahold of one....and alot of blades.
  13. I bought a Hifonics Bxi1606d from him on ebay. I bought it on Oct 27th. I was told it would only be 2 days shipping since he only lived 6 hours away from me. It didn't get there until Nov. 3rd., well I moved on Nov. 2nd. I had already put in a forwarding address w/ the USPS. But for some reason it wasn't forwarded to me. I was told by him that it was delivered, which I confirmed. The apt manager returned it to the post office and told them return to sender. Which I confirmed w/ the USPS. After sending 3 e-mails to d_langenberg at yahoo.com (his yahoo address) He finally responded to me saying that it was never returned to him. Yet he would never give me the tracking number so I could confirm whether or not it was returned to him. Once I told him I was filing mail fraud charges, he had a lawyer send me an e-mail saying that it was my fault that it was not sent to me. BULLSHIT!!!! I filed fraud charges with me bank and the money was returned, I also filed fraud charges with paypal and sent in the paperwork to them. I'm still waiting for a response from paypal about that. I sent in the mail fraud charges to the USPS today, so now I'm waiting for a response from the USPS. I was out $233.95 til I got it back from my bank.
  14. KMFA = Kiss My Fuckin Ass STFU = Shut The Fuck Up YFS = You're Fuckin Stupid GFY = Go Fuk Yourself AYS??? = Are You Serious??? YGBKM = You Gotta Be Kidding Me IDGI = I Don't Get It ICDTAN = I Could Do This All Night....LoL.
  15. NTS = Need To Sell PDQ = Pretty Damn Quick combine then and you get NTSPDQ = Need To Sell Pretty Damn Quick I'm bored, it's late, don't make fun of me....
  16. I have drowned out someone w/ my new system, I forgot about this. My old roommate had an 02 or 03 Eclipse w/ 2 Jensen 12's in a bandpass box (all premade crap) with an SPL amp he got from a pawn shop. He thought he was all hot shit cause a few girls he worked with came to hang with him at the house after work. He mentioned his system to one of them and she wanted to hear it so we all went outside and he started doin his lil bump for them. I had never heard his system before but when I did, I was trying not to laugh, he was my friend and all, but I just couldn't help it. So one of the girls gets an attitude w/ me and asks why I'm laughing. I just shook my head and told her to get in the truck. She had to sit in the middle cause he liked big girls and she didn't fit in my passenger seat with the seat all the way forward. LoL. After about 45 secs, she said she didn't wanna get out cause it was vibrating so much she was about to leave a wet spot on my seat. I shut the truck off and took the keys....QUICK. She got out and told him that his system wasn't shit next to mine. I know we didn't exactly go head to head, but this still counts, right guys???
  17. Is that the square box thingamabober or the car???
  18. I can't watch it at work...site is blocked. It's listed as adult content. cough*cough*bullshit*cough*cough....eww, damn I think I'm getting sick.
  19. That was pretty good. The extended version of Kool-Aid man is funny too.
  20. Oh well, I only got paid for one days work so far. They told me my last 2 weeks would be on todays check...nope. Like I said though, oh well. I talked to the owner today and he's gonna move me to patrol for a few days to get trained on it, then move me back out here and just use me for patrols when they need someone to cover a shift. All overtime for me ;D . I already have 96 hours coming up on this pay period, 16 hrs of overtime, plus 16 hrs of holiday pay. Anyone wanna move up here and work with me??? LoL.....(what happened to the smiley with $$ for eyes???)
  21. That's the breaks man. See, if you bought a Chevy, you wouldn't be having this problem right now.
  22. That's what I was told by State Farm, GEICO, Allstate, and Progressive. When I checked into getting a new truck, I put in the color as red, and mine was cheaper with all of those insurance companies. I doubt it, but it may depend on person and driving record too.
  23. I haven't been drowned out with this setup. Haven't gotten next to anyone w/ a system since I've gotten my new one though. With my old system I was drowned out by a friend who had 2 12's in an ext cab chevy, I don't remember what kind they were or what amp he had. But all I had was two 04 model CVR 12's in seperate sealed boxes on a KX250.2 amp in the same truck I have now. Mine sounded like shit and wasn't that loud so I didn't really care, plus I knew he would be louder. He had better subs and more power...it was all in fun anyways.
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