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Status Replies posted by SnowDrifter

  1. Level 4 M2 12'' or 15''? 12'' is more impressive but 15'' would push more air.. suggestions?


  3. Having surgery in the morning kinda nervous about this.

  4. Think I'm going gold

  5. Think I'm going gold

  6. Think I'm going gold

  7. Nutella = Underrated

  8. UPOZORENJE:Ukoliko dobijete e-mail koji sezove "Dobili ste dvije besplatneulaznice za koncert JeleneKarleuše", nemojte ga ni ukojem slučaju otvarati, jer ćete u protivnom dobiti dvijebesplatne ulaznice za koncertJelene Karleuše!

  9. Pair of 18" Mayhems in mah Pony? I think yes.

  10. Newest member of the dark side

  11. Learn what a STATUS update is! Nobody wants to read your fucking life story.

  12. Would like all my SMD family to please say a Prayer for my mom that she does not suffer. Hospice is only giving her three weeks to live from her stage 4 lung cancer.

  13. Keep flipping back and forth over whether or not I want a wall...

  14. Just spent 500 bucks on a new toy!!!!!!! blessed

  15. Just spent 500 bucks on a new toy!!!!!!! blessed

  16. oh someones about to get bent out of shape. Just watch

  17. oh someones about to get bent out of shape. Just watch

  18. Spent the night in the ER. So sick and it came fast. There goes working on my ride today. So week I can barely pick up my laptop.

  19. Ignoring the specs on Fi's website: does anyone know the smallest size ported box an sp4 18 can play well in on about 3.5k?

  20. Ignoring the specs on Fi's website: does anyone know the smallest size ported box an sp4 18 can play well in on about 3.5k?

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