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Status Replies posted by meade916

  1. their is MDF dust every where does any one know best way to not make a mess?

  2. Got me a suburban and the wife is saying no to my box I want to put in it. Just my luck it's for me but she wants it lol. Oh well married life :).  I'll fix her wagon  I'll trade her Pontiac in for another suv for me :)!

  3. Everybody loved to hate on Carter 4 but when Wayne drops an incredible mixtape nobody says a word.

  4. Let the Psyph album play out while I completed a clients website and it definitely vibes. Couldn't stop to change tracks so listened cover to cover very good album. It beat the hell out of those Aerial7's I got from Meade but they took the bass well and actually sounded pretty damn good this was played amped and through iTunes

  5. For those that knew the situation, thank you for the prayers. My dad passed away by the time I got to the hospital in Pittsburgh.

  6. Dam Stupid Itunes. I cant buy Psyph Morrison album because i owe itunes $35.35

  7. LT. Smoke - you got mail.  ;)

  8. ORIONSTANG- you should have a drop-box invite of some sort.....keep an eye out for it!

  9. New Psyph album is SICK

  10. Major BASS inside >> Psyph Morrison - The Diamond in the Mudd now available for download! http://www.wccaraudio.com

  11. Major BASS inside >> Psyph Morrison - The Diamond in the Mudd now available for download! http://www.wccaraudio.com

  12. Major BASS inside >> Psyph Morrison - The Diamond in the Mudd now available for download! http://www.wccaraudio.com

  13. Executive Producer has a nice ring to it.

  14. Executive Producer has a nice ring to it.

  15. Love when people run their mouths on the itnernet and then when you start looking into things you cant help but laugh.

  16. These few months really showed me who my real friends are. What really depresses me is realizing how many fake ass people i though were my friends. Some of them will say,"Oh ive been working everyday.." :/ yet i see your fb blowin up.. I guess this will make it easier when i leave to go to Wyoming in a month.

  17. Just remember guys, some of the shit you post on FB might end up here. If you are a racist, you might want to check your settings.

  18. I need a 24 hour ban. Having trouble pulling myself away from the site to do some things I need to do. Someone want to help with that?

  19. can't beat a fresh cut lawn, now it's time to make this head the same, fresh cut bald, hell yeah, life should be fun if you're not having fun you're not livin...

  20. bout to bash some rainbow sherbet while watching godfather 2

  21. if a brand new 10" sub for $125 is "too expensive" for you then you're in the wrong hobby, go collect rocks, they're free...

  22. Saw someone get shot tonight at Jason Aldean concert. Crazy World.

  23. So I ordered 2 Kinetik batteries from Audiosavings over a month ago.Today i find out they received batteries back 7 days afterthey shipped yet I never was notified and was constantly told to wait 30days for them to arrive.Guess it never crossed their minds to actually check what the fuck was going on with the order.So now I'm without batteries that I needed and still have to wait to receive a damn refund. I'm DONE!!!

  24. the lier told everyone i banned him for asking what my Tahoe meters. My scores have been in my sig for at least 5 years. Proof he is full of shit. It makes no sense.

  25. dude sends me a PIECE OF SHIT PC (that i didn't even want) and some blurry pixelated stickers.....and then throws it in my face later. This my friends, is why i don't want anyone to send me ANYTHING, EVER.

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