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Everything posted by Parentnoia

  1. I'm all for MW3. Hell, I'm even thinking of getting BF3. But you can bet your ass that I'm gonna get Gears 3 on release night.
  2. This brought a tear to my eye. I love Minis and this is the first time I've been able to see the interior. My girlfriend wont let me get one. Says if we get another vehicle, it needs to be something with more space than what I have now. Talking about getting a Yukon.
  3. I have yet to see a person with knowledge of deadener say eD's deadener is any good. I never said it was any good. Just putting that knowledge out there. I have 50sqft of it right now just cause but havent used it because I'm not about to get out there in 100+ degree heat and the only shade being inside my car...
  4. what brand? alsoi cant find the iirc section Elemental Designs And wtf is an IIRC section? that comment was meant for the other guy but WTF is elemental designs You asked what brand the $65 8" was. It's Elemental Designs. They dont seem like a bad company. They also sell 45mil deadener for a $1/sq ft and 80mil for $2/sq ft.
  5. what brand? alsoi cant find the iirc section Elemental Designs IIRC = If I Recall Correctly He's telling you to check the SA section on the forum.
  6. I have never seen an 8wk old puppy NOT trip over their feet from time to time... I'd love to see these super puppies they're comparing him to.
  7. Me personally, I wouldnt get a radar/motion thing. I'd rather get me one of these here. Tilt Sensor If I have a nice car someone wants to get a good look, I'd let them, just no touching.
  8. I'll just say this. Put your Mechanical Engineering degree to the side. Car audio is not rocket science, at all. You made my brain hurt reading that. Not from lack of understanding what you meant, but understanding why you think you need to do all this fanciness for car audio.
  9. If it's completely in your name, title and all, call the cops. Tell them that you told him not to drive it and he proceeded to do it anyways. Thats called theft. End of story.
  10. Uh, highway? We dont have to go on the highway here in Ohio. Mine was just a trip around the block. All tight turns. Haha i had to go on highway, 30min straight. not saying anyone here is a bad driver, but i can see why there are so many bad drivers out there.(lack of real testing procedure) The main issue in my area are the GIs with new cars thinking they own the road
  11. Trick is to have a car that the tester has to cram into. He wont want to be there for long, so he'll give you the short sweet version. Took me all of 15 minutes. Few lefts, few rights, a brake check or two. No parallel, no highway. Drove all of two blocks away from the DMV and then went back. Mom thought I messed up bad when I got back so quick.
  12. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you shouldnt run it until someone tells you exactly what it is. And I'm pretty sure a few other people will say the same. My general rule of thumb is that is if it says ANYTHING, it was important. Now if it looked like a little plastic tab that held something in place, I would check for a rattle or noise before running it. But again, no go on the running it.
  13. Last I heard, there's also a Memphis Audio dealer in Round Rock, a little north of Austin. Thinkin of driving down that way when I have some money.
  14. They are both 30 x 3. So a total of 180 amps. lol....30x3 is 90 not 180 Now what's 90 x 2... Ooo Ooo. I know this one. 90 x 2 = 60 x 3Am I right?
  15. Well I'm up near Ft Hood. Not much round these here parts, sept the little gatherings on the weekends in the next town over. But it's usually the nice cars with flashy setups there. As for down near San Antonio, I have no clue. Only been there once in my life. There was a show in Austin a few weeks back. But thats about all I know.
  16. But they dont. The little yellow lights that come on with headlights stay on. The switch setup on my car is default off, one click fog lights, two clicks on, push forward for highs.
  17. If it were the bulb, would my normal lights not work? And why would both bulbs go out at exactly the same time? Yes your normal headligghts WOULD go out if you hit the high beam switch. There should be either a fuse or a high beam relay under hood or in your fuse box. Try looking up online where to find whichever controls your high beams, whether it be a relay or a fuse issue. Locate it and check it. I meant would they not work at all, high beam switch or not.
  18. If it were the bulb, would my normal lights not work? And why would both bulbs go out at exactly the same time?
  19. No other ideas from anybody? I wanted to ask Snafu directly, but I didnt want to bother him.
  20. I've had this problem for awhile now and Im just now getting tired of not fixing it. About a year ago, my high beams just flat out stopped working. My regular headlights work, but when I which to my highs, it simply cuts off my lights, leaving just the smaller yellow fog lights. I've heard word that it may be a relay but I dont know where said relay would be. I have the Chiltons(sp?) book for my car, but it doesnt tell me where the wiring harness is, just the colors for the wires. Btw, the car is a 98 Ford Escort SE.
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