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Status Replies posted by Bigsix

  1. 'Bout ready to choke a bitch.

  2. OOO! On my way to go pick up a new bang-bang!

  3. I wish I could make people by my amp and subs. That would be cool! LOL

  4. Transvestite showed up at my brothers memorial day gathering tonight. that was awkward as fuck meeting a chick with a deeper voice than me..

  5. Who's ready to taste 20 or 30 wines real quick?

  6. Tomorrow Seth Pretulak and I have a four hour sea kayaking and snorkeling trip planned on the west shore of Okinawa, Japan.

  7. airplane repo wtf they gonna come up with next

  8. Who has some 2-way crossovers? I can haz?

  9. Today seth and I made our way onto Japan for the first time. We were on foot, without somebody to help us, and completely lost. It was a good trip to just check things out with one exception. We went into a little food shop and literally picked one of the bowls on the list without reading anything. After finishing our meal, (which was awesome) we saw on a different menu that we ordered Curry. WTF, how did we get Indian food for our first meal in Japan? I am officially learning basic Jap...

  10. 2 weeks now with no bang, im having withdrawls

  11. What a fucking morning...started my car and my amp blew. Looks like Im done for a while in the audio game. Anybody want a 400 dollar paperweight?

  12. I just ran into the perfect woman. Dark brown hair, olive skin, and driving a 2010-11ish Shelby Cobra, black on black wheels.

  13. How much you wanna bet I can throw a football over those mountains

  14. Do the chickens have large talons

  15. Subs are out, started sanding down some rough edges in the wall. Two things I hate, the fucking heat and sanding.

  16. Time to start lookin' at 22's for the Linc..

  17. Time to start lookin' at 22's for the Linc..

  18. Time to start lookin' at 22's for the Linc..

  19. Bags on their way out, coils on their way in. Wonder how she's gonna ride now..

  20. Joy... the air ride compressor in my Lincoln just took a shit.. Time to do the coil spring conversion.

  21. Calculated my MPG on the Stang. 13.2 MPG. Shit...

  22. Lincoln is making noise finally, gains all the way down, and she's still gettin it louder than the Jeep ever was. Woot.

  23. BC3500D pushing 2 SA-10s? I Think Yes, Any1 got a 3500?

  24. Taking my mom to her chemo then a rush to work. Moms chemo done at noon and then I have to be at work at 2 and it is a 3 1/2 hour drive there from where I am at. So, my lil focus will be boogying today.

  25. "You can cut the ends off an extension cord and use it for cheap wire." Oh my....

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