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Everything posted by Ecco

  1. If I were in your shoes, I'd try to contact Steve ASAP, and ask him to get Psyph to email/fax you any 'documentation'.
  2. Nice Dodge. Sad that you don't have room behind your seats. I kinda want to see more pics of your setup. I might have missed some..
  3. I'm just saying that HP's history of manufacturing desktops and laptops is a lengthy one, and to cut that off is a bit much. Yes, servers and computing is higher, fine. But people still use and want desktops and laptops. Albeit, those that want to be a PC gamer just build their own towers, and people are moving to tablets. besides, the article says it's just a consideration at this point; no final decision has been made.
  4. I thought that just happened because the admins/mods felt like it for some people.
  5. On my truck, I run Toyo A/T Open Country tires. They're nice, I drive it on snow and the occasional ice slick when I go east for school. I like em, they're good for all seasons.
  6. Paint lacquer? It'll prolly do the job well, but I'm not sure if it'll do anything to the dash. It shouldn't.
  7. Yep. I own an HP desktop and laptop, and my family has 2 more HP computers, along with a couple HP printers. I guess when the market turns, things like normal computers get slapped into history. I never did like those new touch pad things..
  8. http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2011-08-20/news/29909344_1_tablet-touchpad-pc-business Can't really see a big company doing this.
  9. I hear ya man.....country is just such a don't for me...overly depressing...a lot of what sounds like yodeling...and repetition.....but i guess the last parts goes for most genre's nowadays Yep, country songs are mostly about sad stuff. And country has it's twang, pop has it's repetitive everything, heck, even the Beach Boys get old after one song. The only 'genre' that doesn't have much repetitions are the relaxation pieces.
  10. Hahah ouch. It's all good, though. People like what people like.
  11. Only place i listen to it...lol I used to listen to that stuff on my computer, since I only recently have a system. But I go from pop/hip hop to country. For pop/hip hop, it's the beat and style of the music, I don't listen to the lyrics in those ..
  12. Nice. I like a multitude of genres, and this reminds me of my love for this style from 2 years ago. I wouldn't play that on my system now, but it's a good piece of music!
  13. Ha I don't see what the fuss is about Maybe it's because My college stiff is still packed up from when I came home for the summer. I'm glad I got my truck though. 2 big blue containers that have 100+ pounds of crap in em, plus my 360, TV, and bed stuff, going from one side of Oregon to the other. Who has it worse? Ha, anyways, it's a breeze when you look back at it!
  14. Still can't believe people toss down that thing. it's pretty sad. I'm hopefully gonna get one eventually.
  15. i liked the volvo but it was too small for my tastes volvos are nice cars though. as for the jeep its got a pretty reliable 4 liter v6 in it and its got basic windows and locks so i dont have to really worry about anything except for the engine and transmission which seem pretty soild Yeh, the model you had is tiny. Mine (still own it, my dad drives it) is huge. Except for the back seats. I'm 6'3", and my head makes constant contact with the headliner.... Basic windows and locks? like manual? If so, my truck is the same. Gotta love the simplicity. And I think one of my friends had tranny problems with her Jeep. I'm sure it was just the owner's fault. But hey, we'll see, eh? hah
  16. I do not know where you heard this, sir. Only major things that have been done to mine are brakes and the heater core. Friends who have owned jeeps. But I have one friend who off roads his little yellow jeep, he takes care of it, and it's been running fine. Maybe it was some models/owner abuse, I'm not sure.
  17. My first car was a Volvo 740. Bought mine for $800, you got a nice price. I heard that Jeeps are notorious for breaking down and expensive repair bills (if you take it to a shop). Hope that's not the case with this thing.
  18. Going with the decal style.. Finding simple flag images is a bit of a pain..
  19. #2. With your 'black background'. Can easily be made into a transparent background if need be.
  20. Yes, it's giant. But it's a lot easier to shrink an image than to stretch it while still maintaining good quality.. This is number one.
  21. I'd give it a shot, but I'm confused on what you want it to look like.
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