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Everything posted by audiofanaticz

  1. Depending on the vehicle, if its going in a trunk, you wont hear port noise. but you pretty much hear the air comming from the port, kind of like a whistle sound. What do I think about what? Id build the box to their specs. Once my 9512 is reconed into a 18 with a kevlar cone, i will be trying different things. Im going to try a crx style in my trunk. 5 cubed at 40 hz. When I inverted my port before I messed the sub up, it got a lot louder, I also chopped some port length off and was at about 38 hz or so. Do their recommended specs.
  2. Lets try to clean things up a little bit here chaos 1- correct pc3200 is 400mhz ram, which stock timings are 200mhz per stick. 2- your ram can clock higher then that 200mhz per stick (which dizzle already noticed) 3- swapping out a new mobo and ddr2 ram replacing the old stuff is not the problem. Now dizzle, your running your ram at a high clock. A big congrats for getting it to prime95 for 10 hours, sometimes that is a job and a half alone. Your ram is running at 235 a stick, which rusults in ddr 470 vs 400. A big improvement Now here comes the bummer. You might be at the max for your ram. When you overclock your cpu, it will overclock your ram too. So a couple things Id try doing is 1- lower yours ram divider may allow you to oc the cpu farther. 2- Increase your ram voltage. Im giving my corsair xms pro 2.9volts. 3- Try to loosen your ram timmings a bit, that could be another reason for crashing. 4- Whats your htt set at? You should try to keep your htt between 800-1200 if I remember right. Or its 900-1100. Someplace in there it is. Congrats again on the prime95
  3. Sorry to hear that. Good luck too her and her recovery! As for selling of the cd's. It is illegal to sell other artists music, it dont matter if you are selling a song of theirs, or a mix cd. However it IS LEGAL too ask for donations and in return GIVE a cd as a FREE GIFT. You just got to be clear on the wording. So you should be fine saying something like this. Every donation will get a gift cd.
  4. That looks way better then the old batteries. good luck with the quad alts too :lol:
  5. lil glass sensor action.. excuse my voice, i got a cold from this wonderful weather we decided to have for the last 3 days.. 90+ degrees with 60% humidity for over a week and now in the 60s....
  6. heh you still gotta get in the car..... then you got to unbolt a metal panel with 6 bolts (unless your super man and can tear it). Everything is set on its fullest senstivity, and next week comes the dualzone motion sensor. I also got 2 sirens under the hood.
  7. So now my viper 791 now has the shock sensor, glass sensor, tilt sensor, and added another blinking blue light Question on my 2nd blinking light though. When I wired my new led light in on my right side a pillar, I just tapped into the wire from the left a pillar light. When I ran the wires together, red to red and blue to blue the led on the right pillar would blink brighter then the one on the left piller. I deffenitly didnt like that one was brighter. So then I cut the wire and ran the red wire from the alarm to the red wire on the left pillar, and ran the blue wire from the alarm to the right pillar. and connected the remaining red and blue wire together. So I pretty much wired the lights together in series as you would do a sub. Here is a badly drawn up paint image. Will this hurt my alarm at all? if so, does anyone know if either the red or blue wire on the leds are a constant positive that way I could wire them up constantly and have them both be super bright. because the alarm unit itself does not seem to have enough power to power both lights when hooked up blue to blue, and red to red. Here are some other images during this process of messing with it. Too many wires!!! and then just a small clip of both lights flashing nothing special.
  8. haha thats cute. but that truck would look pretty mean if it had some spacers to offset the wheels a lil bit out, like a inch or two.
  9. LoL.. Looks like ol rusty has some sparco racing seats does it have a hemi?
  10. I dont know if this has ever been asked before, but what do your neighbors think of you always comming and going in all these nice rides? I just ask because it seems like whenever one of my buddys comes over with his benz and another buddy comes over with his caprice and then my car all sitting in my drive way with rims I notice my neighbors all watching us weather it be we are just working on our cars having a few beers or watching the game on tv. We constantly see them walk past my house or sit outside their house which are things they never do. I find it funny.
  11. Have fun. Also Im pretty sure the car battery is under the rear seat, just something to condsider along with the mess of wires behind the rear seat. Enjoy your new nightmare. Also if you are taking out the rear seat you might as well wall it since you wont have a rear seat either way.
  12. Mine was at 4.8 or 4.9 for the few days I rocked vista. I installed it a week before a lan that I went too, and gameplay was horrible for me in counterstrike source. I went from a average of 220fps down too 60-85fps top. I tried so many video drivers, chipset drivers it wasnt even funny. It worked fine for everything else BUT GAMING. Mobo: asus a8n-e (if i remember right Cpu: amd 3700 sandy 2.2ghz overclocked at 3ghz Video: Evga 7900 gt cosuperclock (factory overclocked) w/bios flash and overclocked farther by me with rivatuner running a 585mhz coreclock and a 1620mhz memory clock. Ram: 2gigs Corsair XMS Pro w/activity led's. running 225mhz per stick (450mhz total). I dont see any reason why I got low fps in games.
  13. heh my buddys bday is today too, and mine was just last sunday. Happy B-Day meade!! Have fun in that xlr
  14. Thats about the only way to do it. The wires are only about 1 foot long or so. If you look in the pictures that he has up, you will see that he used some yellow connectors, and in another picture I see him sitting at his workbench with a pencil torch, so most likely he soildered them.
  15. All I can say is wow.... Awesome find on the site... Im buying some o-pipes for my caddy
  16. I had vista in my box for about 2 or 3 days and went back to xp because of vistas gaming performance. My computer aint slow, but its no rocket compaired to some newer pc's.
  17. They dont hold cold air, they where just "directing" cold air into the side of my case, the cooling temp screen shot proved it. 18 degrees C for the processor, and 11degrees C for the mobo temp. I had all the mt dew boxes taped together with packaging tape. This was back in the mean green days a few years ago, I was able to get very creative with stupid things.
  18. Close enough. A lot of empty mountain dew cans made for a lot of empty boxes which made a square tube that went from my a/c in the window, to the 2 side panel intake fans on my case.
  19. If you want to get your pc cold. use a air conditioner lol.. Ive done it and kepy my case chillin!! It was a while ago i did it, but it kept me entertained for a lil bit. You wont see water getting your pc that cold :lol:
  20. Custom building your own cooling kit is the best way like everyone said. www.xoxide.com offers great products most the time, but are higher priced on somethings.. and just my opinion, but I think you will find a lot more info on overclocking and cooling and whatever else at www.overclock.net.
  21. I got charter 10meg now. Just orded it this morning at 6am when I seen a commerical. Im paying $59 for 10meg dl and 1meg ul. heres mine. for some reason chi is slower for me, but MI across the lake is faster... From MN, which is way farther away from me then Chi is... I think I may buy a matching cable modem to match my router, the one I currently have is old.
  22. Subs RMS is 15,000. Alan dante is who your talking about, but I heard a rumor that he has took out the dd amps and is using stetsom 7ks now. And the z2 does put out 8200+ @ 1.15 ohms with 18volts, but who says he is running his amps at that? They are probolly running .5 or .75 ohms. So up that wattage a little bit more Price here are euro, but you can use a currency converter for ruff Ideas even tho prices will still be a tad bit higher because of euro shipping charges and what not. So probolly knock a good $500 off the total once converted to us money. http://www.soundpressure.com/products3.asp?R=DD1&L=1
  23. Subs RMS is 15,000. Alan dante is who your talking about, but I heard a rumor that he has took out the dd amps and is using stetsom 7ks now. And the z2 does put out 8200+ @ 1.15 ohms with 18volts, but who says he is running his amps at that? They are probolly running .5 or .75 ohms. So up that wattage a little bit more
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