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Status Replies posted by audiofanaticz

  1. We all love you, Dickrider :)

  2. Anyone know where to buy the "blue box" regulator?

  3. Headset is finally here. So far it doesn't look broken.

  4. Really starting to think about shipping boxes I build. hmm

  5. Really starting to think about shipping boxes I build. hmm

  6. Does CA glue dry instantly when the accelerator is sprayed on it?

  7. signed the lease for the new house!!! now im broke lol could hsve bought 2 lvl 5 18s instead.... damn 1st world problems

  8. trying to remember what subwoofer I was using as an ash tray back when I was 18, it was beefy, just can't freaking think of what it was

  9. The site is FAST!! and its being bombarded with traffic right now.  Not even breaking a sweat. :D

  10. The site is FAST!! and its being bombarded with traffic right now.  Not even breaking a sweat. :D

  11. The site is FAST!! and its being bombarded with traffic right now.  Not even breaking a sweat. :D

  12. Well, my Jag will have a new engine in it complete on feb 9th, who thinks I should get a DDZ?

  13. Well, my Jag will have a new engine in it complete on feb 9th, who thinks I should get a DDZ?

  14. trying to hit 150 posts so i can sell something

  15. finally made a Twitter, follow me? @audiofanaticz

  16. Good to finally start hearing back from all the positions ive applied for.

  17. Plastidipping the Bimmer today. Plum crazy purple bitches.

  18. If you have to qualify an item by saying its good for the price. its a piece of shit.

  19. Must be a full moon on a winter night......lots of annoying TROLLS online right now.  What makes some of these people get out of bed in the morning? Some miserable, no life having motherfuckers always trying to bring a brotha down.

  20. Not sure if anyone is going to read this besides Ken, but passed my PAT test today.  One step closer to becoming a Sheriff/Correctional officer.

  21. Not sure if anyone is going to read this besides Ken, but passed my PAT test today.  One step closer to becoming a Sheriff/Correctional officer.

  22. Tired of people telling me my last competition scores are bullshit lolz

  23. Tired of people telling me my last competition scores are bullshit lolz

  24. Tired of people telling me my last competition scores are bullshit lolz

  25. almost stepped off my porch to a big ass bear digging in the trash. thank god  something told me to stop

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