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Everything posted by PaulO2288

  1. Bet its warmer their then here. Its 30 degrees here and windy. It sucks. I love the warmer weather for working on the cars and etc. Im going to guess around 60's their?
  2. TBA? Yeah i find vocals should come from the front and bass should come from the back of the car/truck or behind you in any matter
  3. Its cool. Exactally what you see happening in California, Is what I see in Long Island NY on the other side of the country lol. I just find that cool
  4. The bottom left part of the moon is dissapearing and its a beautiful night to see it. Clear sky, quiet and the crappy part 30 degrees
  5. I agree. I hate rear fill. I only like speakers in the front doors thats it! Multiple 6.5"s or 10"s in the front doors for vocals that is
  6. Another thing. What subs, how many, and enclosure do you have?
  7. You have 2 6.5" in each front door? I have 2 6.5" Daytons in each front door for vocals and they scream while remaining clear. If your not going crazy for sq you could look into something from partsexpress.
  8. It most deffintally should by far outperform a sealed box is built and designed well
  9. Ported boxs just are louder and you can tune them better. What kind of music do you listen to?
  10. I would love to see how this thing does on music in an empty parking lot (so neighbors dont belive theirs and earthquake) and so the cops dont get called on ya. Doors are going to have real loud vocals and you already got 160dbs of bass. Should be insane!
  11. Your own buisness is an awesome idea. I have it with my brother and mom. It takes time to get business up and giong, customers and lots of advertising. Also their will always usually be some sort of competition.
  12. Very impressive. Where do you guys go and what do you use for bait? Havent seen anyone catch a fish that big around here at all!
  13. Looks sick! Love the fish. The last few pics of the fish with you holding it, its not a striper what is it? The one where it says struggling just a little bit
  14. Sweet, Happy Birthday my Friend. Nothing but ass and titties lol
  15. Photoshop some 6x9's in your doors and some a few btl 18"s in a wall behind your seats. Want to get a good preview. Your sig says done in 09. Dont know if i can wait that long!
  16. Yeah, Your head feels like a thousand pounds, throats super sore, i just got over it. I had a 103 fever too. Get well soon. Lots of fluids like orange juice, and apple juice to help boost your imune system along with meds and anit biotics
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