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Hugh G. Rection

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Everything posted by Hugh G. Rection

  1. lol, crunk audio + quadwood = lots'o shit fucked up!!!!
  2. i remember i got a demo of lil scrappy at nopi one year. im not sure if it had the crunks in it or not. may have been image dynamics, not sure. i remember thinking that i needed to get the pt cruiser and shut him down with my solo-x 12. those crunk audio's were right there with the funky pups, absolutely mind blowing.
  3. i thought teh quadwood would have a better following here. oh wells, me and sensai are the only ones here who are oldschool enough to know teh awesome uber l33t powers of quadwood.
  4. bwhahahahahahaha aaaahahahahahahah you better get it before 2012 werd
  5. so i decided to buy my son his first gun. i bought a henry youth model lever action 22. i originally intended for this to be a birthday gift, but decided that we could have an awful lot of fun with it between now and then. the smile on his face was worth everything.
  6. 15 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 3 and a half weeks now. im sick of this shit.

  7. im a coors light guy. i only drink bud light if im out fishing.
  8. i bet that thing is fucking loud. kinda gooberiffic to put it on a polaris though.
  9. BEER AINT FOOD!!!!!!!

  10. L.T. SMOKE, joo are my favorite mudda'fugga!!!!!!!

    1. iceman1575


      ditto, even if he is a obsessivecontrolling asshole mod.

    2. Hugh G. Rection

      Hugh G. Rection

      smokey is the man, he is no asshole.

  11. yay, 100 degrees again!!!! not hardly worth reporting now. we've been above 90 since the second week of february. lol

  12. Sure its a career if ya think about it. Ya get up early, slave away for those who don't appreciate you for no pay then ya go home ready to pass out till dinner is ready. Then ya get up and do it all over again tomorrow. there is no slaving away at school, unless being a slave no involves sitting a chair and having air conditioning all day. as for pay, the pay your getting is an education, which helps to prepare you to become a contributing member of society.
  13. whoa, looks like we need to get you in on the new top secret chemical weapon military project call the F.latulant A.irborne R.esponse T.eam notice how that also spells F.A.R.T
  14. Why does my own gas smell.......ok. ...But someone else's will make me wanna gag? Just curious really. I know everyone thinks this but most wont admit to it. I have no problem just rippin one away, and can hang with it and keep working until it floats away. But if someone else's comes drifting by, I'll run like hell to get away. Is this normal?
  15. xentec HID fucking sucks!!!!!!

    1. Dan2427


      for sure I've replaced 3 ballasts already

    2. meade916


      you get what you pay for lol - this is why you dont buy a 40 dollar set of HID's :D

  16. WOOT! just traded for a custom glock 36, booyah. fuck yall little 9mm and .40 bullshit.

  17. my balls itch.

    1. mr.p


      wanna snuggle?

    2. B Slaps

      B Slaps

      u should get that checked out. especially if u snuggle p, u know his track record. lmao

    3. huh?do-what?
  18. ive actually had these guys on my ipod for a couple years now. they are an easy find if you follow phil anselmo much....
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