I got it hooked up but there's like no volume at all. It's like my amp can't push it? I checked impedance, it registered as 1.8ohm so wiring is good. This is the amp I have, it's supposed to be 350w RMS @ 2ohm to the sub channel. https://www.harmanaudio.com/Search_Browse/productspecs.asp?product=KAPPA%20FIVE I didn't take any new shots, I was focused on trying to figure out what the deal is with it. I have the gain maxed, the sub level on the head unit maxed and there's barely any tone. You can "hear" it but there's really no movement to the sub at all, I figured 350w rms would be plenty to get it sounding decent. Can you think of something I'm doing wrong? Or are these subs really that power hungry and this amp can't give it what it needs? My old (factory) 8 was much louder in it's tiny sealed box than this in the bigger, ported box. I measured the box with a garbage bag and water, it came to .65 cu ft before speaker displacement, .57 with and I tuned the box to 35hz, everything seems like it should work perfectly when going over it in my head? I'll stop rambling, any pointers/recommendations are appreciated