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Everything posted by deathcards

  1. sounds like a fuel pump same thing happened to a suburban my parents had it ended up going out shortly say a week after
  2. the rattling could be from a heat shield i know on my impala i have one that rattles when i rev the engine could still be something else though
  3. http://www.the12volt.com/caraudio/boxcalcs.asp
  4. this will help you a bit http://www.the12volt.com/caraudio/woofer_configurations.asp
  5. i think up it will get you better numbers . . . sides will get you better quality i think
  6. agreed that they sound clean got my drivers side door done will get pics up tomorrow gotta head to work
  7. Would be like comparing a Ferrari to a Yugo. wtf is a yugo Google it. It's about the size of a Ford fiesta smaller, haha and its junk. lol that thing is a pile
  8. Would be like comparing a Ferrari to a Yugo. wtf is a yugo
  9. nvm not gonna do the guessing game
  10. think imma go with the boston acoustics not many people run them if it doesn't work out i will grab the dd
  11. my left side molar just before the wisdom got pulled didn't use enough juice and i could feel it being pulled i yelled and teared a bit but didn't break down and cry though luckily he did it kind of quick then he used too much gauze and i couldn't close my teeth all the way and it kept hurting for about 4 days and for 7days days i could feel bruising about a half inch to the left of my nose
  12. what is your electrical like
  13. kranny has i bit more experience i would probably go by what he says
  14. mainly the speakers aren't built to handle the lows which gives you the bottoming outthe sub is meant for the bass not the speakers and the crossovers sound about right find a happy medium for the sub lpf so it sorta evens out with the speakers srry i was blunt i am terrible at explaining things :/ also make sure you don't go below the speaker crossover otherwise you may be missing a few notes
  15. k i found those too they are the same don't like much under 50hzedit spelling error my typing is getting terrible excess and random letters and lately i have been getting distracted easily
  16. his car and speakers are different than your sable with jbls just like said above get a separate amp for the sub will help with sound quality most speakers are not meant for much under 60-80hz are these your speakers if they are they don't like anything under 50hz http://www.wooferset...ent-system.aspx can you give me a model number of you speakers so i know what i am looking for please
  17. do it i should hopefully gets some pics of the inside of my door tonight btw we need pics when done
  18. grats i still have a door to go and i will have my skar audio vxi65s in but gonna be a busy week hopefully i find time
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