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Everything posted by deathcards

  1. Just got back around to my yuckon and she rusted apart on me 😭 found a body mount bolt and washer laying on the ground today.

  2. @SnowDrifter after getting a dash cam realized I pay more attention now than I did before and wow we have bad driver's everywhere
  3. When did buttons become a premium on double dins and "might" touch screens  become cheap? touch screens don't always work for me don't know why.

    1. ChevyBoy95


      Probably when technology advanced enough to make touch screens cheap and easy to implement over adding discrete components needed to add knobs/buttons to radios. Less moving parts.

  4. what some good sites for hosting pics? That way i can post some pictures again.

    1. SnowDrifter
    2. deathcards


      Got it rollin' just took a quick learn.

  5. congrats its a good thing you are not hitting -40 degrees. They don't like to start up in ND when its that cold.
  6. Was waiting for this to go into a jeep renegade since across seas it is known as a panda. Good looking Steve. From the box to the organized wires. edit sees seas close enough
  7. you can try to reduce the space in the box, but i would honestly just build a new box there are a few members that design boxes on here. Also try the old box if you can, you can sometimes get more of an idea of what the sub would like in the vehicle. I had a 12 that like my impala but not so much my yukon because of the box. and don't give it the nuts this is an experiment procedure choose a volume and do a before and after
  8. just found out i have had the wrong belt for years which is  93.5" (stretched with age of course so it looked damn near two inches too long). Stock size for my vehicle was 92.9". Now imagine my surprise pikadouche looking ass with a 92" wondering why it won't fit. Also if you have the 105 amp alternator it uses the same belt as a singer HO alt.

  9. all i did was add a time stamp? but on a serious note you could have a defective coil which slowly died versus say something as catastrophic as the wrench melting in seconds. tinsel lead could have come in contact with something it shouldn't. As for your fuse question it is wired in parallel (correct if i am wrong here folks) so your fuses blew in order of weakest to strongest in an attempt to protect your amp and by the 3 fuse it was making a racket as you could tell. I would check ground first remember to disconnect the rca's before you disconnect the ground, i would check the resistance of your speakers, then inspect your wires, and finally try a different input source. edit spelling
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJOX0c60wQE 3:47
  11. 5.25v ouch. Each cell should hold 2.1-2.3v per cell (2.1 x 6 =12.6v) if i remember correctly pretty sure you have and internal short
  12. i understand this entirely i have to remember not everyone's taste buds are the same ....but some fucking beers are so close to filtered water it hurts
  13. https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/14967/227507/ had this tonight. It was good, but what a weird flavor to drink
  14. working on a ridiculously good deal on a 89 iroc-z rs

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Karkov


      RS=rally sport, some only had V6's but they all had the nice body kit.

    3. Karkov


      NVM Iroc Z automatically means V8  lol

    4. deathcards


      has a 305 but its very healthy for what it is would love to swap a 400 small block blue print engine in but i see prices are up $3k since the last time i checked

      i also heard only some 305 weren't very powerful but idk how far i would throw somethings around anymore

      seeing how 287 cubic inch v8 can make over 1 thousand horsepower

  15. still can't afford a new graphics card cause of people buying and reselling... atleast my 7970 still kicking butt

  16. insurance shopping first place was recommended by coworker they knocked off almost $30 compared to my current of course i didn't say anything

  17.  never go full political

  18. pron @ 1:03 btw i expected less after seeing internals i thought oh look a nice 500-600 watt rms amp boy was i wrong ?
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