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Everything posted by tejcurrent

  1. Fun will come when you're finished with college. You won't be working near as hard at a real job in the real world as you do in college, you'll have lots more free time, and you'll have the money from a good job to enjoy it.
  2. I LOVE computer programming and coding, HTML/CSS hard coding. I used to program 8-10 hours a day when I was going to school, then stay up till at 3-4am coding my own stuff. I love it to death. But I live in MB SC, and there are no jobs for it- so I dropped out. I don't make a whole lot with the hands-on work I'm doing now, and I really want to do something else where I can start off around 30-35k a year, but jobs making even that much are scarce in this area. Then they opened a theme park that needed IT people and I didn't get the job because I didn't have a degree. I would do almost any kind of computer work as long as it payed bills good and I didn't have to move, but without a degree you may be the best for the job but no one wants you. Stick with it, it'll get better. Car audio is fun but you'll very rarely make a good living from it. You might want to look into cutting your load a bit and picking up a summer course- it worked great for my wife like that.
  3. Thats badass lol. I can see someone trying to copy you and posting for fi's customer service number tomarrow: Scott, I don't know what happened... lol. With the other huge builds you have I almost forgot about the honda, but it looks really nice with the new glass, and looks loud!
  4. Bad asted my man! My wife wants me to do something just like that, I'm just trying to figure the final details out- and I'm just sinking the 1 center channel so we can get some mantle space back. Great work
  5. lol I can see me throwing the box up on a table saw and cutting an extra inch out of it . Honestly if I don't get the score I'm after with all the electrical upgrades done and the amps back in I'll be back to the drawing board with a new box design completely. Come on you mofo's, I see you reading
  6. Great. I'd appreciate it. My biggest concern would be the height and depth, since I only have so big a nitch in the box.
  7. Thanks, do the g31s fit under the hood of your Yukon? I'd have to actually stick one of those g31s in the back to see if it would fit or not- they're a good bit bigger!
  8. Right lol. I understand maybe I worded it wrong. I was told the ratings were peak/rms ratingson the amp- and those were peak. Meaning I'll never see anything near 200 from a 200, or 300 from a 300 and so on is this true? And do some companies do more? I don't know if that helps clarify my question or not, but I'm really leaning to just going with the 260s and praying for the best. I really want to get the most for my money, and an extra $50 or so an alt wouldn't be as important as performance.
  9. My biggest problem is I have a bit of a lead foot. I've been metering before and been reving the engine just to have someone tap my shoulder and point to my dash and see that I was over 5000rpms. I just can't hear or feel the engine after a certain point I would much rather not rev if I can help it. Also most comps don't let you go over 2000rpms, which the 300s amperage wouldn't be much more than the 260 at that point. 260 amp / 155 amp idle 300 amp / 135 amp idle ^are those what I'll actually see, or peak rating?
  10. Thats what I was thinking, but Dom Iraggi said that I might get better results from smaller alts simply because of the idling amperage difference. I know he makes the things and should be a reliable source, so I hate to second guess him, I just want to make sure I'm doing it right before I drop the money on it.
  11. I have talked to Dom Iraggi and I know for sure I am getting his 4 alt bracket. I've had multiple people who I trusted tell me to run at least one 200a or smaller alternator in order to support my normal car functions. After talking to Dominick Iraggi he told me to get 4 260amp alternators, that they would supply me with the most power for my daily driving setup, since they have great idling amperage and I would never see full power without reving the engine (which I wouldn't do). I know plenty of guys on here run 300a alts and bigger, so thats where my conflict comes in there. I want to make sure I'm giving my amps as much power as possible, and I'm willing to go as small or big as I need to. I just got off the phone with someone at powermaster, and they said that my best option would be 4 of their 200a alternators w/ adjustable internal voltage regulators, where I could turn the voltage up to 15.0 and just leave it there safely- and that again with a larger alternator it would take high rpms to really take advantage of the higher output. I've also had people tell me that I should go with powermaster over Iraggi, and that the 220 amp powermaster alternators would put out more power than Iraggis 260 amp alternators because of ratings. The way it was explained to me the Iraggis were rated peak while the powermaster were the actual output? This doesn't seem right but I honestly don't know. So for question #1, would 260amp alternators definitely be my best compromise? And question #2, would Iraggi alternators put out more power than powermaster, or vice versa? Anyone with any experience at all please chime in because I hope to be buying them really soon. And for the last part of my question, I'm currently running 5 optima yellowtops for the simple reason that they are the best batteries available in my area. I've found a few places that I'm willing to buy from online, and even driving a few hours away to pick up from. My biggest worry- while I know dropping down to 12v hurts your score, is that if I go lower than that I'll damage my amps. I pray the alternators alone will be enough to keep my voltage above 12v on full tilt, if they can't what other batteries could anyone recommend? And question #3, would different batteries really make all the difference? Thanks a lot, I simply don't have a lot of experience in this area and can use all the advice I can get.
  12. Looks like it's moving! Any info on the box specs (tuning/size)?
  13. Looks nice. I really wish mine was black but I swear I always seem to find decent vehicles w/ good mileage and options in white lol. I tried sitting in the 3rd row and unless you're hauling kids back there it's very uncomfortable. I used that + the fact it's normally just me and my wife to get my 3rd row out Nice Hoe.
  14. Happy saint Patricks Day! Why did I drink so much? I just spent an hour bleaching my bathroom walls and pulling my friend s glases out of the toilet lollllllllllllll.................. He wanted a plunger hahahaha It was his glasses!!! Anyway, Happy saint Patricks!!! I really hope I get some........ but the wifes been drinking a lot tooooo wouldn't want to take advantage of her
  15. No shit bro! He was one of my best friends so I don't mean to talk shit, but man I worry about how he's doing sometimes. Then the girl he wasted his money on started trying to hang out with me a few months ago, I was like "BACK SUCCUBUS!" And I'm married
  16. I had a friend who was going to start a business with me doing websites for local businesses. He was trying to get this girl to date him, but was working a lot and supporting himself, his sister, her 2 kids, and the sisters girlfriend while going to highschool. He had a few grand in savings (again, while doing all this in highschool) and he spent it all on this girl trying to get her to actually date him instead of being just friends. He was pretty straight edge, then he started smoking and drinking because she did. Then he started smoking weed because her dad sold it. THE WEEK his money ran out, she told him she found Jesus and couldn't hang out with him because he smoked, drank, and did weed. Then he lost his virginity to a stripper who "actually liked him" just to call him a week later to say she used him to piss off her boyfriend. Shortly after that I had to evict him from my parent rental property because he wasn't paying the $50 a WEEK to live there. I mean come on, who can't pay fucking 200 a month?! Well I carried dozens of bongs and shit out, including some rubber tubing and burt up spoons- threw it in the woods near by. My uncle called the cops on my dad that same afternoon while he was at the house and the officer wanted to 'look around' so thank god that stuff wasn't in there, can you see two 65+ year olds going to jail because of crap that wasn't theirs? Then he married a girl who weighs more than 2x as much as him easily who was 7 months pregnant when they met. From Business partner to drug addict
  17. The gay midget thing is pretty sick too... queer I had a friend named Marcus in highschool graduate a year before me. My senior year I hadn't seen him in a bit and I find out he died in a house fire. He was upstairs and burned to death. Then they held the viewing at the school- which he would have laughed his ass off at because he hated that school. I think touching a dead body when it's warm and flexible, and then about an hour or so later when it's getting cold, and when it's starting to stiffen up is a pretty fucked up comparison. It's like, they're someone you know, and then they're little more than a taxidermists work. I thinks it's fucked up- a few days before my dad died, my mom asked my dad to do some stuff he didn't want to because she thought he should be considerate of how "things would smell for her" after he died. WTF? How god damned selfish is that to ask a dying person to consider how their dying stench might effect others? He told me he couldn't look at her the same after she said that. "quit bleeding on my bed asshole" < not like she said THAT but damn lol
  18. ^agreed. We use pretty much all of our brain, but the majority takes care of our subconscious processes. We only actively use a small section, because for some reason our bodies like to breath and have our heart beat almost all the damn time Honestly though, as much as we think about these things, why do they matter? Look at how long humans have been on the earth, and what do we have to show? A few piramids no one can figure out, a few mummified bodies we don't know who they're of, let alone know how to reproduce, and a few artifacts we can only speculate about. A few thousand years from now after a natural disaster or something else will have left another civilization trying to figure out who we were, they'll wonder how our highway systems lent towards our religion and goofy crap like that ("they run east/west and north/sound, must be tring to capture the sun!") With the way everything is written on paper or digitally, we really wont have much besides headstones to show for our existence. To me it doesn't matter, people die, life goes on, and none of it will matter in the grand scheme of things.
  19. My dad took me shooting when I was real little. A suprise gun shot made my ears ring like crazy for DAYS, and unfortunately I have a terrible ringing when I'm trying to go to sleep. The lows never bothered me, but highs do. I've thought about going to the doctor but I don't want to spend the money, and I can hear fine otherwise. It's just the ringing when I'm trying to sleep. Hell I can hear things other people can't like really high pitch noises certain tvs make. I like to leave the tv on at night but it keeps my wife up... :mad:
  20. Looks nice bro. I love the styling of the round foglights. I have the tow package and 4wd, but it still isn't the same. New build for your equipment?
  21. I def. would be the guy afraid of his own setup if I was him lol. I've sat in my car when it did near 155, but there's a difference in love of bass and masochism.
  22. You're talking about the highpass/lowpass built into the h/u right? My 9831 does the same thing-I just figured that was how it was (3 sets of rcas out). I have a 4ch on the mids/highs too, and really hoped I could use the h/u like that- no such luck
  23. I'm glad to hear he's doing much better. Hopefully it won't be long before he's out- I know how depressing hospitals can be. REALLY glad he's gonna be himself, and hopefully up and about before long. Again, best wishes you get well soon Burrito.
  24. Awesome man, I've been eye'n one up too. Let us know how you like it once it's in.
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