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Status Updates posted by JustinWilson

  1. That game was horse shit.

  2. The answer is yes, I can do a hairtrick! lol

  3. Thinking about leaving facebook until after the election...people are pissing me off.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. notorious97200


      you called your (respected worldwide) President an ape ?! ever been to a zoo ? ever run things in your life ?!!!

    3. notorious97200


      you called your (respected worldwide) President an ape ?! ever been to a zoo ? ever run things in your life ?!!!

    4. IBleedMusick


      Did you really just call the President an Ape? WTF is your problem whether you like him or not keep the name calling to yourself.

  4. Thinking about some incredibly loud music tomorrow...anyone in Houghton want to hear what 150db is like in a car?

  5. This morning I watched the sun rise in Florida...later I watched it set in Indiana...and before this drive is done I will watch it rise above Houghton!

  6. Time to do this shit!!! GO GO GO!!!

  7. Tired as all hell but hopefully the studying and act of doing my homework will allow me better grades on not only my assignments this week but for the rest of the semester!

  8. Today I am leaving politics to the like-minded, can't handle the radicals on either side at the moment, truthfully there is some middle ground, I call it reality...please catch up to me so we can all be better off.

    1. OrionStang


      Is this the 3rd or 4th time you've said this today? Fuck facebook.

  9. Tomorrow is my investments exam, kinda anxious for it...gonna be a long morning of studying...

  10. Tonight has been declared a Jager night...my liver better pack its bags...this shit is gonna be rough.

    1. Leo1103


      I need to have a jager night soon lol its been a mix up of vodka and tequila lately

    2. Crandis16


      Adam is going to steal it probably

    3. Kyblack76


      You gotta have goals.....

      well done......

  11. Took my first final, studied for my second, applied for a job...successful day so far...

  12. Voting season has me stressed out, the first amendment may give you the right to write or say what you believe, but if you are fundamentally wrong please shut the fuck up.

  13. Watched The Avengers with Brandin Wilson Zach Eland and Tim Powers, damn good movie, and of course I can't wait to own it myself...

    1. n8ball2013


      what character did you pretend to be when you got home.

    2. IBleedMusick


      ^:rofl: Him and 4 guys.

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      Black Widow of course.

  14. Well, hoping to move almost everything to the house tomorrow, then finish that up first thing sunday morning and drive all the way home...wishing I was there already...

  15. What do you do when someone steals from you? Worse yet, from your entire house...?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. doodcody


      tie them up upside down and cut their balls off with a butter knife and let them bleedo out

    3. aN-i-No


      If you're in Texas...blast that ass. Castle Doctrine has u covered.

    4. yUmadBro


      Man if someone has the balls to go in your house. its fair fucking game!

  16. What is everyone in Houghton up to?

  17. Whatever happened to great Disney movies like Mulan? Watching a huge collection of Disney movies.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 89capricebass


      Hell yea I have all the seasons sitting on my hard drive. They just don't make cartoons like they used to. Well except adventure time

    3. Neckbeard


      Dexters laboratory will ALWAYS have a spot in my heart

    4. Leo1103


      lol all of old school cartoon network is on netflix

  18. While working on my project and listening to Pandora I decided to let pandora make my next playlist for the car...pretty impressed so far.

  19. Why I didn't root and upgrade to ICS sooner I will never know...Thank you Daryl Bennett

  20. Zapp Brannigan: Ah, Leela! We meet again, but this time I'm the one criticizing the sausage Dana D'Alessandro, Zach Eland

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