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Status Replies posted by pa-pa-platypus

  1. highest SPL in a single cab truck?

  2. highest SPL in a single cab truck?

  3. highest SPL in a single cab truck?

  4. highest SPL in a single cab truck?

  5. Never go to bed angry. Stay up late and plot your next rebuild.

  6. Never go to bed angry. Stay up late and plot your next rebuild.

  7. Where is a good place to get a big ass teddy bear.... I want something she can't even carry

  8. Where is a good place to get a big ass teddy bear.... I want something she can't even carry

  9. Anyone not in California wanna let me ship Platidip to their house then ship to me? lol you can't buy gallons in CA..stupid state rule...morons

  10. Pioneer never again for a h/u.. Speakers are making all kinds of noises.. 99% sure it's my h/u..

  11. Pioneer never again for a h/u.. Speakers are making all kinds of noises.. 99% sure it's my h/u..

  12. watching PAWN STARS, be damm if they show a Dennis Rodman Mavs jersey. ..had my signed jersey for yrs ( granted it was his actual worn jersey and mine wasn't , lol ) don't feel so bad about $400 I got for it, unframed

  13. p2ving a 2000 server. Why in the hell is there still a w2k server?

  14. Gojo is the god of handsoaps.

  15. at 36 years old, I can count on all my fingers & toes the times alcohol has been in my system, I've never smoked cigs, weed or tried any other drug, I've always been able get high on life's personal accomplishments, loud Bass & working out in the gym, marinate on that & have good day folks, later....

  16. does any one have a problem with amps? like maybe u have one to many? !!!!

  17. Man I hate speeches in college.......

  18. I want to hear a big system. Anyone around Anchorage with one?

  19. trying to hit 150 posts so i can sell something

  20. trying to hit 150 posts so i can sell something

  21. Taking the Wife on a date

  22. is it me or has the site been running really slow this past week and a half? all my other sites run fine but not smd :(

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