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Everything posted by bobobass

  1. It's almost like free airing it, you will reach any subs mechanical limits much faster playing under your tuning. You probably bottomed out the coil.
  2. Personally I would go with the mayhems. And those rockfords are very nice amps.
  3. I'm putting 100 wrms on 50 wrms speakers. Just make sure you low pass is set properly and you have a clean signal. If you have a clean signal, most speakers will fail mechanically before they will burn a coil.
  4. Very nice! You almost never see these kinds of enclosures in car audio. I'm very interested in how this will turn out. I'm supprised we don't see many sq cars with these kind of enclosures.
  5. This^^ the box will probably ring every time the subs move. And how thick is the steel plate?
  6. To answer your question, no you cannot just use any recone. They will almost be gaureteed to not fit. So don't buy anything unless you know for sure that all dimensions are the same as the original cone.
  7. do not, I repeat, DO NOT use peel and seal. I made the mistake of using it and deeply regret it. It might work all right at first, but then it will start smelling and falling off if it is exposed to any kind of heal. And the stuff is nearly impossible to remove.
  8. agreed, but damn does this song get loud, it's a great demo song
  9. Also, off possible you should seal it off from the trunk and fire it into the interior.
  10. You got a running car for $150 you sure you arnt missing a zero, damn. But anyway if you want flexible tuning an aero Port is the simplest way to do it.
  11. It's probably one of those retarded rare bugs that only a few people get. Send an error report to google and see it the fix it in the next update
  12. My friend just got his 8 in today and we free aired it on a few songs. These things are amazing! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuHXEKW1DPs
  13. Wow, just watched the vid. What kind of circuit did you use with those rgb led's? You use some 555 timers or somthing like that to pulsate the colors?
  14. It's probably a reconed re hc or somthing along those lines.
  15. Thats crazy. Looks like it could have ended up like that other vid
  16. Funny, I've lasted this long Didn't do anything outrageous, just sick of people being dickheads over one question... Well to me at least, it did not seem like teamht was being a dick, it looked like he was just giving advice and you called him out for it.
  17. Just wire to two ohms and be done with it. And I would quit it with the attitude because people that act the way you do don't last long on this forum.
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