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Everything posted by Emmet

  1. A T line wall?! Damn, if you do build it could you make a build log? Be real interesting to see that Also, nice civic ^ ^
  2. Christ... sorry to hear that man, I suppose the best thing you can do is brace for the worst, but hope for the best, every day people are beating the odds that medical experts give them... You never know what could happen. Thoughts go out to you and your family though, stay strong man.
  3. And you believed him? lol no i dont believe her he wouldn't waste his time sending it to my phone and since people are saying its fake someone please delete this thread i dont want to have a bad MOJO Is your cousin a hermaphrodite?
  4. Saw that today, most likely fake, McDonalds would be balls deep in lawyers if was actually true.
  5. A lot of people work, go out etc, Leave it for a while, come back in a few hours or a day and you`ll most likely find answers...
  6. See this is what I dont get... where are these coward fucks coming from... all I see these days is someone getting beat up by a group of people, hell I was jumped by 7 guys in my town, what happened to sorting out problems man to man, not with a couple of your pussy friends behind you. I know myself and the majority of you guys see that as being straight up coward... so where do they get it from
  7. Actually yes its better he posted them. Say he had the subs posted for a grand or something stupid but didnt say how much he was selling them for, how would people be able to say its not the price as to why their not selling? Seems pretty reasonable to me. Edit: Ninja`d by the op
  8. http://www.hifisoundconnection.com/Shop/Control/Product/fp/vpid/1557388/vpcsid/0/SFV/30046 Real cheap^
  9. They are literally the only ones to find O_o I feel your pain OP. Spent a good 20 minutes looking for a sub $800ish one and came up blank. Good luck though
  10. Didnt it say it would be upgrading over the next few days? Im sure steve`ll let us know when its done
  11. Its not too bad, I think its just for preview, he has a link to the carstereoclassifieds forum to download your zips in all the descriptions.
  12. I think its a T-line. Would explain the length.
  13. Tbh I think its better to learn how to do something and the reasoning behind it yourself rather than just someone telling you to do this and this etc. This forum is real helpful so you should be good if you have any questions
  14. I'm not trying to bad mouth anyone here or cause controversy, so I don't want to go into too much details about the horn, so ill end this part of the subject for me by saying that it was the ''Auto Tuba'' and about $800 worth of testing for my personal satisfaction. It was built right. The wider box will help to hit the low notes better and it does that just fine. I even tried a ten inch driver with the correct parameters and three times the wattage. Same results "for me" In my home right now two 10'' ported drivers against my one 8'' horn is about the same output but the horn sounds a lot cleaner. If you guys think a horn is great in a auto environment please post examples and information on how to build because im crazy enough to do it agian One thing though... all the acoustical engineering your talking about, there is some overlap but auto acoustics and acoustics with home and say PA systems but with cars it can be very different. It could have been built right, just not right for a car.
  15. Damn... if you give this the same amount of the attention as the work in your portfolio thread im down for a build log for sure
  16. Too much work dude... Theres literally hundreds of pictures, I kept clicking the next button to find yours but couldnt =/ Sorry but good luck with it
  17. Why did that make me laugh so much Also OP for serious, Seal that up dude... If not for waters sake, Someone could just slide the box back, climb in the slot and steal everything... Edit: BeAlLsTaR13- Your post is mesmerising for some reason
  18. I like your editing, Youve a new sub edit: but if theres any constructive criticism I can give its try and use a script less like gaming said, it seems forced sometimes when your talking, but still cool
  19. Aw damn us gov But still.. Fair dues to them and all, but they`ll really show they mean business when the FBI`s website gets taken down
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