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Everything posted by Blackedout

  1. An amp will sound better if you're not pushing it. Less distortion. Clean power.
  2. Build the wall for 4, and cut out 2. No sense in rebuilding the whole thing once you can afford everything. Only problem will be 15 cubes a sub.... Get some sand bags LOL
  3. If you were smart..... You'd find a way to get $eighty more and get an AQ 1200... They are great amps. They'll play music all damn day full tilt, never get warm and put out rated. Solid amps. What's eighty bucks for a system. Not to mention, clean power too.
  4. If you decide to use DAT, you're welcome to use some pics of my car for your presentation. Build log is in the signature. Good luck man.
  5. Damn treo... Hook me up with a couple DC LVL 4 XL 12s. Now that you got the funds.
  6. Thinking on exactly the same track right now LOL...
  7. Get the bass scene going out there man. I bet You're gonna be one of the biggest fish in the pond wherever you move to. Good luck to you.
  8. The point is to try to replace those cars with more efficient ones. It's definitely a bummer though.
  9. Glad you say that. I know import isn't your main gig, but anyone who knows import wheels knows Work wheels, Rays engineering, and Volk Rcing are ballin'. I won't post pics, cuz I'm sure you got it.... But I wanted to throw that in. Take it or leave it. I know you're all about 'show quality' ... Hit up an import show like H.I.N. and everyone walking around knows whats what. Cars lookin good, BTW.
  10. The board doesn't look physically damaged from the pics.... Just some smoke damage. If you can get some better pics, maybe take off the plates that hold the mosfets tight, or where the amp blew, we'd be able to give you a for sure answer.
  11. pics of inside? Looks like a burp vehicle...... If it is, I say make it a ground pounder.
  12. Gonna have to go with stock on this one. I've never been a fan of the other (deville style) lights. Plus, this thing is too original to copy someone else's ideas.
  13. http://cgi.ebay.com/SELENIUM-TWEETERS-1-PAIR-TWO-1TW1-1-140W-TWEETERS-/290437734412?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Car_Speakers&hash=item439f70200c#ht_4639wt_1138 Coupled with: http://www.amazon.com/Clarion-EQS746-Graphic-Equalizer-Crossover/dp/B000EZV3T8 You'll get the sound you're looking for on every song. IMO, no tweeter is going to play every song, hit every note perfect, and make you fully satisfied. I personally don't run seleniums, but I've heard them and they do the trick. Selenium makes a good product. I run the clarion EQ, and I tweak on it from genre to genre.
  14. Take the amp out, take the backplate off and look. If it smells burnt, and you see burnt shit, it's fucked up. Use electrical tape to make the ends of your power wire non conductive so you don't catch your shit on fire while your amp is out.
  15. Pirating, HIDs, tails, tint, lowered car, headlights, no front plate, stereo, modified exhaust, and rolling through a stop sign, and driving too slow.
  16. I thought it was a great movie. Then again, I have only seen like one movie this year in theaters, so they've come such a long way since last year. It's unbelievable. I haven't had the time to watch many tv shows or movies because of college, but I went out and saw the premiere last night at 12:00
  17. Take him to an audio competition and let him sit in a few cars. He'll start seeing the big picture and the people involved with it. I had to do it...... It worked out well for me. Though my dad has never been against my hobbies, he was a little against audio for a while.
  18. WOW.... Fantastic fiberglass work. Never seen anything done like that door you did. Pretty amazing. Can't wait to see more pictures.
  19. I woulda took that shit in a heatbeat. Hahaha, bet that fucker would get down with a couple 15s in it. Sand it down a little, throw some primer, and a little tint on it and it's money. If I could find a truck like that for $300, like dude said he paid for it I'd do it right now. LOL
  20. Do the big 3.... You'll be surprised what a difference it makes with dimming if you do it right.
  21. 1/0 is a bitch for the price at first, but in the long run you'll be glad you did... That is if you plan on upgrading, like 99% of us do. OFC is best.
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