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Status Replies posted by Ninja_v1.0

  1. The day when 6krms is not enough for a daily.. FML

  2. I got a warning point haha

  3. Please tell me that everyone here knows what the Lower 48 States are!

  4. Anyone able to get me into contact with aa/fi?

  5. gonna take the truck out tonight amd reserve my xbox one. should be fun smashing on the gear.

  6. Delivered... Grind mode activated!

  7. wouldn't it be easier just to run a 14V battery?

  8. dropping the truck off for inspection tonight. maybe ill get a vid before I do.

  9. after looking at iasca and usaci classes it seems like i have no choice but to wall if i want to run 2 15s... looking at meca classes now

  10. Looks like Tenney got wiped off the face of the earth.

  11. Looks like Tenney got wiped off the face of the earth.

  12. I feel so honored that someone in red was telling people in a chat room i am trying to figure out ways to gain attention in the forum, im so sorry for being an active contributing member, LOL

  13. I feel so honored that someone in red was telling people in a chat room i am trying to figure out ways to gain attention in the forum, im so sorry for being an active contributing member, LOL

  14. I feel so honored that someone in red was telling people in a chat room i am trying to figure out ways to gain attention in the forum, im so sorry for being an active contributing member, LOL

  15. I feel so honored that someone in red was telling people in a chat room i am trying to figure out ways to gain attention in the forum, im so sorry for being an active contributing member, LOL

  16. I feel so honored that someone in red was telling people in a chat room i am trying to figure out ways to gain attention in the forum, im so sorry for being an active contributing member, LOL

  17. I love it when some dumbfuck kid keeps emailing me demanding that I send him FREE decals when he has never bought a damn thing from me.

  18. trying to bang out this research paper so i can get outside. Its not working.

  19. Wowwww... 5 years owning my car, raves, house parties, clubs... and the first time someone throws up in my car is due to socially drinking at a bowling alley !?! WTF!?! chick seating right behind my seat getting chunks in my left arm !!! wow, oh well. had fun... free car wash for 2 weeks ! ughhh... G.N... SMD!

  20. waking up in the morning still not able to walk from still being drunk.. Then seeing 2 stacks of 100 1$ billz and not remembering why.. TRIPPI FACK JOU!!!

  21. waking up in the morning still not able to walk from still being drunk.. Then seeing 2 stacks of 100 1$ billz and not remembering why.. TRIPPI FACK JOU!!!

  22. Spring break nationals 2013

  23. bad info bad info everywhere

  24. i feel like my build gets no love. poor kid trying his hardest here.

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