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Status Replies posted by Ninja_v1.0

  1. Snowed in. Off today..... Guess its a long weekend.

  2. Idiot audio, so you take out the back seats & spend all this money on wood and build a wall in your two door sedan and put 4 Kicker CVR 15's in it, nope won't be louder than my SKAR VVX 15's in a box in my cargo area w/full interior LMAO!

  3. Idiot audio, so you take out the back seats & spend all this money on wood and build a wall in your two door sedan and put 4 Kicker CVR 15's in it, nope won't be louder than my SKAR VVX 15's in a box in my cargo area w/full interior LMAO!

  4. Wrestling with door molexs -.-

  5. Im new on here.. haha

  6. I just realized how many peoples sigs Ive made

  7. Need more electrical and no room to support it. FML

  8. Need more electrical and no room to support it. FML

  9. i wanna listen to a loud car

  10. Need more electrical and no room to support it. FML

  11. Need more electrical and no room to support it. FML

  12. Orions to the rescue, I knew they wouldn't let me down.

  13. Orions to the rescue, I knew they wouldn't let me down.

  14. 2 SAZ1200's on the way hmmm what to do with them???

  15. Out with the Sundown back to the Orions

  16. my neighbors kid just put a system in his car and is out there banging on it.

  17. Out with the Sundown back to the Orions

  18. Where can I find some precision cutting knives for cutting floral foam? I have an Xacto knife but the art store I use to go closed.

  19. I love when the anonymous become known.

  20. FUCK the world we live in

  21. why is it that youtube only suggests other white rappers when you watch a video of one?

  22. Passed my Exam. Finally. was tired of looking at the practice tests

  23. Bush eight years 10 trillion dollars, Obama four years 6 trillion and some change. Unemployment at an all high. Hmmm not blaming Obama but how stupid are you going to look when in four years from now our deficit and unemployment is even higher. If Obama does change the law about magazine fed weapons I'm going to be royally pissed. Off topic but yeah lol.

  24. My CISSP endorsement came back its official. And off go the resumes!

  25. Lmao.. Now Eddie Long is hurt and decided to send an email to the other mods yelling abuse.  He should probably start a petition.

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