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About Dangrebel

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    Hernando ms

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  1. And you got some belt slippage on the 340. May wanna get a new belt or belt tensioner.
  2. I went from 5k at 1 ohm to 5k at 4ohm. Seems like the lows are more powerful and it's nice and tight. I can run the lpf higher with out it sounding muddy or sloppy.
  3. A relay is basically a switch that senses power from something then turns on the circuit to what ever you want. Example, I have hid kc lights. I didn't want to run a switch on the power wire. That would involve extra 15 foot of wire. Instead I tied in to a pre existing switch, ran a single 20 gauge wire to a relay righ beside my battery so it turns the relay on that then give my hids power. Google it it's a very common thing that is used on many vehicles and no you wouldn't have to take your dash apart
  4. Just run a relay to an ignition wire and bam better than factory.
  5. Juicebox slowed, bass ballin, the motto slowed, I cook slowed... I got more but can't remember lol
  6. I had a 21" it was the best sounding sub I've ever had. Kept up with everything I threw at it I ran it on a bc2000d
  7. It should bolt up with recessed holes the have studs made on the spacer in between each recessed hole. You should be able to run factory studs.
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