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Status Updates posted by EdClottin

  1. If the cops roll up so what? Pour the cops a cup cause everybody's here tonight

    1. KillaCam


      Ya know what, usually your status updates are pretty fucking stupid. But I like this one, I like it.

  2. After last night i realized i need to write a book about the crazy random shit that occurs even though some of it would not be believable until you've seen it with your own two eyes

  3. Nothing quite like coming out of an alcohol induced blackout walking down Gerritsen Avenue carrying a silver briefcase full of IT tools you don't know where they came from. This is my life.

    1. baaudio


      sounds like you need to stop drinking bro....

    2. KillaCam


      Sounds like you became the bitch of a large middle aged man with a dragon tattoo who keeps his sex gear in a silver briefcase.

  4. At the hell hole i call woek

  5. Plant your feet, Put your back to the seat and hold on BRAKE LIGHTS!!!!!

  6. I have no idea. There are 6 asians singing hey soul sister to me right now.

  7. I am on a roof. I'm not sure which one, or why, or how, but I am on a roof and you should come get me. I can see into classrooms!

  8. I've done some crazy shit with some amazing people. I don't regret anything I've ever done in my life because now i have memories i can look back at and laugh

    1. Emmet


      Sorry but thats some hipster shit, your a fool if you dont regret anything in your life, regrets teach you important lessons about life.

    2. BassJunkie


      YOLO!!! YOLO!11!! [/sarcasm] <lulz on yolo

  9. I live under a stampede of elephants .....Could u be any louder

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OrionStang


      Yeah it sucks. Luckily, I have a single old lady living above me now.

    3. KillaCam
  10. Mission accomplished fixed my dead pedal and my overhead console

  11. Vodka is like a dog. Always loyal, warm, and there for you when you need it

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Truth. I can't say I've ever shit on the carpet. But I know a guy....

    3. IBleedMusick


      I wouldn't really call Vodka loyal considering the fact that it has gotten a lot of ppl in trouble.

    4. Emmet


      Vodka is like that friend sitting next to you in jail laughing and telling you "we fucked up good this time..."

  12. I take pleasure in knowing how many gallons of booze we've put away in comradery. (1-248): I think we should measure in "bathtubs"

  13. "Sometimes you just gotta let shit go and say to "hell with it" and move on"

  14. I woke up at 3am, my head in a toilet, still at the kegger, wearing a random cowboy hat.

    1. Lbox88


      Sounds like it was a good night :)

  15. i think I'm going to the car show tomorrow

  16. People told me slow my roll im screaming out FUCK THAT!!!

  17. The people you surround yourself with say slot about the person you are

  18. I think my right liver is failing

    1. OrionStang
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      How many livers do you have?

  19. i still have a fucking headache this is unreal

    1. BeatBox


      drink too much?

  20. Sleep deprivation finally caught up with me

  21. Hate living for the future when i should be living for the present

    1. Omega5002


      They say those who lives for the future are optimists, while those who live in the present are realists.

  22. Wish i wasn't working on St Patty's day

    1. KillaCam


      That was yesterday man.

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