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About severancej

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  • Location
    hamilton, oh
  • Interests
    the wife and baby girl
    dirtbikes (my crf250r)
    T51R 2jz Lexus SC300's
    Sound Systems

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  1. Everything is OK as far as charging goes my truck charges mid 14s consistently. I will keep an eye on it. Today it wasn't hissing but the bulging is there
  2. Hey my 2700d I noticed while checking my fuel pressure today it was hissing and I noticed the side bulging out. Please tell me that's normal lol
  3. Maybe try running your idea past ram designs.. Is it possible get pretty loud in the mid to upper 20s on 1 sa12 ~600w?
  4. Awesome man! I really like what my 2 e12s can do hopefully you can get where you want with this, and I'm sure if you do it'll be perfect. I assume these would be by far the best entry level budget woofers on the market.
  5. I gotcha.. Their pretty resilient.. If i could I'd get a bigger amp rather than over driving lol. They sound good though don't they!?
  6. My twelves do that, i smell a little something rarely. Ive had them for about a year now. Gains set at-10db I'm guessing some clipping is the case.
  7. Looking to build a enclosure for loud daily listening, in a97 Jeep grand cherokee. Possible for a design or cut sheet? 33hz Max dims are 36 wide 36 deep 30 tall. Amplifier is a audio technix at400.1d Sub is a v1 300rms ivx-15 d2 coil Wiring @ one ohm
  8. Ordered me one 15d2 to be paired with a audio technix AT400.1 at one ohm! Thanks skar audio!
  9. Yes because we all are looking at that box like damn! I want that! Please elaborate, we are all interested in efficient enclosures.
  10. Ok i see them on emf expected the end of this month but no description of updates.
  11. Cool. My two do work! Can't wait to see..i don't have fb.
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