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Status Replies posted by Jessica

  1. visited SKAR Audio HQ I used the SMD AD-1 Amp DYNO, very nice indeed, my 2 SKAR SK-2500.1 Amps, Top-Dynamic RMS Power(Burst) 4,084 Watts, 2,282 Watts Uncertified DYNO Run, 2723 Watts Certified DYNO Run & Bottom-Dynamic RMS Power(Burst) 4593 Watts, 2995 Watts Uncertified DYNO Run, 2562 Watts Certified DYNO Run, 0.5 Ohm 13.4 Volts, using the test disc...

  2. visited SKAR Audio HQ I used the SMD AD-1 Amp DYNO, very nice indeed, my 2 SKAR SK-2500.1 Amps, Top-Dynamic RMS Power(Burst) 4,084 Watts, 2,282 Watts Uncertified DYNO Run, 2723 Watts Certified DYNO Run & Bottom-Dynamic RMS Power(Burst) 4593 Watts, 2995 Watts Uncertified DYNO Run, 2562 Watts Certified DYNO Run, 0.5 Ohm 13.4 Volts, using the test disc...

  3. Have a package on the way. it was in lenexa on the 13th, maybe i will get lucky and it will get here today.

  4. Have a package on the way. it was in lenexa on the 13th, maybe i will get lucky and it will get here today.

  5. how much solder do i need for 4 speakers and 3 lugs?

  6. How many vs threads do you think mods have closed on SMD ..?

  7. dc/dc power supply-regulator in the Tahoe is out. That means the Mac Mini and my screen is out. Might be time to go Ipad finally. 3sixty.2's are coming out next week anyway. 3sixty.3 on the way. Time for a change

  8. Why is my status about lowballers gone? Just want an answer, mods, not trying to start big shit.

  9. Why is my status about lowballers gone? Just want an answer, mods, not trying to start big shit.

  10. GPU fan died and my computer hates it. lol

  11. GPU fan died and my computer hates it. lol

  12. GPU fan died and my computer hates it. lol

  13. Need an AQ 1200, guys. I'd hate to get the SQ version, unless there's a way to remove the emblem from the heatsink.

  14. Need an AQ 1200, guys. I'd hate to get the SQ version, unless there's a way to remove the emblem from the heatsink.

  15. Need an AQ 1200, guys. I'd hate to get the SQ version, unless there's a way to remove the emblem from the heatsink.

  16. Need an AQ 1200, guys. I'd hate to get the SQ version, unless there's a way to remove the emblem from the heatsink.

  17. I forgot what it was like to drive a truly loud vehicle. dont think some people were happy with me on their way to work today

  18. 1800 words later, a kick ass paper on the Right to Die in America. Hopefully my government teacher likes my 1 night papers as much as my Comp 1 professor did!

  19. Happy birthday Mike-2U!

  20. Too bad the question was never answered! I would like to know why? I guess I'll go google it, since I don't know what I'm talking about! LMAO Some people.....that is all!

  21. What Hz do you think a baby crying is?

  22. is $60 good for a 2nd gen ipod touch?

  23. It's perfectly fine to run 2 brands of speakers right? Kenwood in the front doors and RF in the back?

  24. home by myself -_- and i hear noises and walking up stairs still nothing it has gone on for a month now

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