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Status Replies posted by Leo1103

  1. You ain't gotta lie to kick it.

  2. You ain't gotta lie to kick it.

    1. Leo1103


      hopefully soon I've been quiet about this so far...

      also Adam just sent the money

    2. (See 36 other replies to this status update)

  3. since when does pandora have a limit on mobile?

  4. since when does pandora have a limit on mobile?

  5. Dumb questions.. would LED strips work off of the - & + of your amp speaker inputs?

  6. Am I the only one that gets hungry when I use bondo? I keep thinking of icing... LOL

  7. called a paint shop to see how much it'd be to plastidip my car, got quoted $1200. For that kind of money I can get an actual paint job

  8. not liking this wall anymore... cant fucking trust ANYONE driving...debating now

  9. called a paint shop to see how much it'd be to plastidip my car, got quoted $1200. For that kind of money I can get an actual paint job

  10. Holy crap. Detailing your car is a whole other world. Never realized how in depth it could go besides washing and waxing....

  11. I want my DC Audio

  12. Got a quote to powdercoat my calipers. What color should I go with?

  13. Wrapping the headliner in fur this weekend? I think so.

  14. Wrapping the headliner in fur this weekend? I think so.

  15. Wrapping the headliner in fur this weekend? I think so.

  16. So I just looked up the price for a uh... above board copy of 3ds max. Holy shit.

  17. 60 yesterday and its snowing now

  18. I think it's national drive like a asshole day

  19. well i think i found my dead cell.

  20. welp did a 48.8 tonight.. my truck is anti 150 i swear lol

  21. sun is shining its almost warm. why am i thinking about blowing out of work?

  22. My bitch is sittin' on the dyno getting a cool down. Final power run in about 30 minutes.

  23. lays sriracha. Definitely the best of the three new flavors

  24. well I'v officially run out of room in my closet for audio things, guess its time to start building!

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