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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Status Replies posted by Raptorman

  1. I've been challenged again "dude all I gotta say is that my 2 12's gonna come see your 4 15's!" when you're loud, you're targeted, aim high SKAR FTW, LMAO, BASS LIFE!

  2. Anybody know how to get in touch with Tyler Parrish?

  3. how much are a carton ciggerettes in FL? Ryan Hilldale Carly Perri

  4. atouk tala zugzug

  5. Just figured out that the feedback or "Alt whine" I guess it sounds like, is coming from my iPhone. Lol waddafack? I got my earbuds in right now and I can hear it. All this time. God dammit.

  6. Just got an extra job at an audio shop \m/ fuck yes.

  7. Im tring to built a box for two 15 inch alpine type Rs.......someone please give me some advice!!!!

  8. So hard signing that check for $5k, even though its for something so badass. No turning back now LMAO. Have to figure out how to tell the wife.

  9. someone needs to buy this last d975! dont let me down smd!!!

  10. Lol. My mom made a cake for me that looks like a sundown sub.

  11. Lol. My mom made a cake for me that looks like a sundown sub.

  12. Lol. My mom made a cake for me that looks like a sundown sub.

  13. About to install my new EA Alt :D

  14. First thing I did for my 18th birthday today was go out and buy some damn epoxy from walmart.

  15. First thing I did for my 18th birthday today was go out and buy some damn epoxy from walmart.

  16. Anyone know the trick to raise your charging voltage?

  17. hmm do I go to sbn or buy an amp? decisions decisions

  18. Is there a way to seal off a wall without expanding foam? Like build a tight fitting beauty baffle with foam on the edges or something?

  19. Fuck yeah, got my first job :D

  20. Can't wait to turn 18 on Saturday \m/

  21. Can't wait to turn 18 on Saturday \m/

  22. Can't wait to turn 18 on Saturday \m/

  23. its amazing how stupid some people can be with computers

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